This is the repository of the data quality control (QC) software for the ALICE O2 system.
For a general overview of our (O2) software, organization and processes, please see this page.
- QuickStart
- Modules development
- Post-processing
- Advanced topics
- Plugging the QC to an existing DPL workflow
- Production of QC objects outside this framework
- Multi-node setups
- Writing a DPL data producer
- Access run conditions and calibrations from the CCDB
- Definition and access of task-specific configuration
- Custom QC object metadata
- Canvas options
- QC with DPL Analysis
- Data Inspector
- Details on the data storage format in the CCDB
- Local CCDB setup
- Local QCG (QC GUI) setup
- Developing QC modules on a machine with FLP suite
- Use MySQL as QC backend
- Configuration files details
- Frequently Asked Questions
- CERN Mailing lists: alice-o2-wp7 and alice-o2-qc-contact
- Discourse:
- O2 development newcomers' guide:
- Doxygen: