This package was created to provide simple way to manipulate arrays in PHP. The package was inspired by the Laravel Collections.
composer require mleczek/collections
Convert any array to collection:
$collection = new \Mleczek\Collections\Collection([
['id' => 3, 'firstName' => 'Debra', 'lastName' => 'Barnett'],
['id' => 8, 'firstName' => 'Ronnie', 'lastName' => 'Coleman'],
['id' => 2, 'firstName' => 'Gabriel', 'lastName' => 'Adams'],
// ...and perform some operations:
$names = $collection
->whereIn(fn($x) => $x['id'], [3, 2])
->map(fn($x) => $x['firstName'] .' '. $x['lastName'])
->join(', ');
// $names is equal "Debra Barnett, Gabriel Adams"
You can also do this using collection
helper method:
$sum = collection([1, 2, 5])
->map(fn($x) => $x * 2)
// $sum is equal 16 (2+4+10)
- addFirst
- addLast
- avg
- chunk
- count
- each
- firstKey
- first
- flatten
- groupBy
- has
- isAssociative
- isEmpty
- isIndexed
- isNotEmpty
- join
- keyBy
- keys
- lastKey
- last
- map
- max
- merge
- min
- randomKey
- random
- reduce
- removeFirst
- removeLast
- reverse
- skip
- sortDesc
- sort
- sum
- take
- toArray
- unique
- values
- whereIn
- where
Add item at the beginning of the collection.
$collection = collection([2, 3])->addFirst(1); // [1, 2, 3]
Add item at the end of the collection.
$collection = collection([2, 3])->addLast(4); // [2, 3, 4]
Calculate average value from items. Zero if there're no items in collection.
$avg = collection([1, 2, 6])->avg(); // 3
$items = [
['value' => 3],
['value' => 7],
$avg = collection($items)
->avg(fn($item, $key) => $item['value']); // 5
Throws when trying to calculate avg from non-number value.
Breaks into multiple, smaller collections of a given size.
E.g. for chunk size 2 the output array for [1, 2, 3]
will be [[1, 2], [3]]
$collection = collection([1, 2, 3])->chunk(2); // [[1, 2], [3]]
The total number of items in the collection.
$count = collection([1, 2])->count(); // 2
Iterate over each item.
collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])
->each(fn($item, $key) => printf("$key:$item"));
Get first item key.
$key = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->firstKey(); // 'a'
Get first item value.
$item = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->first(); // 1
Convert array of arrays to array (remove one dimension).
$collection = collection([[1, 2], [3]])->flatten(); // [1, 2, 3]
Groups the collection's items by a given key.
$items = [
['brand' => 'Jeep', 'model' => 'Cherokee Latitude'],
['brand' => 'Nissan', 'model' => 'Sentra SV'],
['brand' => 'Nissan', 'model' => 'Murano Platinum'],
$collection = collection($items)
->groupBy(fn($item, $key) => $item['brand']); // ['Jeep' => [...], 'Nissan' => [...]]
Check whether collection has items which match given closure.
$test = collection([2, 7, 3])
->has(fn($item, $key) => $item === 7); // true
Check whether collection is an associative array.
$test = collection([1, 4])->isAssociative(); // false
$test = collection(['a' => 1, 4])->isAssociative(); // true
See also isIndexed
Check whether collection has zero items.
$test = collection([])->isEmpty(); // true
Check whether collection is an indexed array.
$test = collection([1, 4])->isIndexed(); // true
$test = collection(['a' => 1, 4])->isIndexed(); // false
See also isAssociative
Check whether collection has any item.
$test = collection([8, 2])->isNotEmpty(); // true
Join all items with given glue.
$string = collection(['Nissan', 'Jeep', 'Ford'])->join(', '); // 'Nissan, Jeep, Ford'
Change collection's items keys.
$items = [
['id' => 5, 'username' => 'lorraine'],
['id' => 1, 'username' => 'gabriel.hill'],
['id' => 4, 'username' => 'steward'],
$collection = collection($items)
->keyBy(fn($item, $key) => $item['id']); // [5 => [...], 1 => [...], 4 => [...]]
If multiple items have the same key, the exception will be thrown.
Returns all of the collection's keys.
$array = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 3])->keys(); // ['a', 'b']
Get last item key.
$key = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->lastKey(); // 'b'
Get last item value.
$item = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->last(); // 2
Iterates through the collection and modify each item.
$collection = collection([1, 4])
->map(fn($item, $key) => $item * 2); // [2, 8]
Array keys are preserved.
Get maximum value from items.
The ">" operator is used to find maximum value.
$max = collection([1, 4, 7])->max(); // 7
$items = [
['value' => 3],
['value' => 8],
$avg = collection($items)
->max(fn($item, $key) => $item['value']); // 8
Merge collection/array to current array.
In associative arrays values for existing keys will be overwrite. In indexed arrays new values are always appended at the end of collection.
$collection = collection([1, 2])->merge([3, 4]); // [1, 2, 3, 4]
$first = collection([1, 2]);
$second = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2]);
$collection = $first->merge($second);// [1, 2, 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2]
Get minimum value from items.
The "<" operator is used to find minimum value.
$max = collection([1, 4, 7])->min(); // 1
$items = [
['value' => 3],
['value' => 8],
$avg = collection($items)
->min(fn($item, $key) => $item['value']); // 3
Get random key from collection.
Returns null if collection is empty.
$item = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->randomKey();
Get random item value.
Returns null if collection is empty.
$item = collection([1, 8, 4])->random();
Reduces the collection to a single value, passing the result of each iteration into the subsequent iteration.
$initialState = 2;
$result = collection([1, 8, 4])
->reduce(fn($item, $state) => $state + $item, $initialState); // 15
Remove first N items from collection.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->removeFirst(); // [8, 4]
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->removeFirst(2); // [4]
Remove last N items from collection.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->removeLast(); // [1, 8]
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->removeLast(2); // [1]
Reverse items order.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->reverse(); // [4, 8, 1]
Skip N first items.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->skip(); // [8, 4]
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->skip(2); // [4]
Sort items descending.
Strings are sorted in case insensitive manner.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->sortDesc(); // [8, 4, 1]
$items = [
['value' => 3],
['value' => 7],
$collection = collection($items)
->sortDesc(fn($item) => $item['value']); // ['value' => 7, 'value' => 3]
See also sort
Sort items ascending.
Strings are sorted in case insensitive manner.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->sort(); // [1, 4, 8]
$items = [
['value' => 3],
['value' => 7],
$collection = collection($items)
->sort(fn($item) => $item['value']); // ['value' => 3, 'value' => 7]
See also sortDesc
Returns the sum of all items in the collection.
$sum = collection([1, 2, 6])->sum(); // 9
$items = [
['value' => 3],
['value' => 7],
$sum = collection($items)
->sum(fn($item, $key) => $item['value']); // 10
Throws when trying to calculate sum from non-number value.
Take N first items.
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->take(); // [1]
$collection = collection([1, 8, 4])->take(2); // [1, 8]
Returns collection's items.
$array = collection([6, 3, 1])->toArray(); // [6, 3, 1]
Left only items with unique value.
$collection = collection([6, 1, 3, 1])->unique(); // [6, 1, 3]
First occurrence is taken if multiple same values are encountered.
$items = [
['brand' => 'Jeep', 'model' => 'Cherokee Latitude'],
['brand' => 'Nissan', 'model' => 'Sentra SV'],
['brand' => 'Nissan', 'model' => 'Murano Platinum'],
$collection = collection([$items])
->unique(fn($item, $key) => $item['brand']);
Returns all of the collection's values (as indexed array).
$values = collection(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2])->values(); // [1, 2]
Return collection with items that needle is in haystack of accepted values.
$collection = collection([8, 4, 2])
->whereIn(fn($item, $key) => $item, [4, 7, 2]); // [4, 2]
Return collection with items which match given criteria.
$collection = collection([8, 4, 2])
->where(fn($item, $key) => $item > 3); // [8, 4]