This is my take on the Rock, Paper, Scissors project from Odin Project.
I'm now revisiting this project so that I can make it playable on a website instead of the console.
I will now start to use the most recent things I learned from the JavaScript chapters.
The images used in this project are gotten from & The files and their creators are listed below.
pexels-instawalli-176851.jpg --- InstaWalli (Used as background)
1FAA8_color.png --- Liz Bravo (Used as image for rock) 1F9FB_color.png --- Tonia Reinhardt (Used as image for paper) 2702_color.png --- Sina Schulz (Used as image for scissors) 1F3AE_color.png --- Lisa Schulz (Used as image for reset button) 1F469_color.png --- Johanna Wellnitz (Used as human logo for score) 1F5A5_color.png --- Jonas Roßner (Used as computer logo for score)