Preview: (View live project)
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
- Support for negative numbers
- Validate equations
- Multiple operations supported if pressing an operator
- +/- toggle button
- Disable decimal button if clicked
- Results containing a decimal is rounded to 1 decimal
- Fully implemented backspace button
- Alert if user try to divide by 0
- Alert if the equation is not a valid one
- Mouse & keyboard support
- Support for Numpad
- Escape/Delete = AC Button
- Enter = Equal Button
- Use regex patterns to validate and parse mathematical expressions
- Keyboard events
- Using media queries to make the calculator responsive to both 1080p and 3440x1440p
- Using getFullYear method to update copyright footer
- Chained ogether CSS rules to minimize code
- Use more functions instead of repeating code
- This project was inspired by The Odin Project