many regl experiments.
- 4x4 (source code)
- bluecyl (source code)
- bye(source code)
- cactus (source code)
- cyl (source code)
- cylwarp (source code)
- feedbackgalaxy (source code)
- folding fan (source code)
- icecreamsandwich: in progress
- jellyfish: in progress
- rotatypoints.js (source code)
- skellypuff: in progress
- skellyscissor (source code)
- swimmypuff (source code)
- wingpole (source code)
###to run the examples on your own machine
the below instructions are entered via command line (the "terminal"). you will need to have node.js and npm installed for this to work.
first clone this repository to your own computer.
then run npm install
while you're in the repository directory.
you'll be running each demo by entering into the terminal
the command budo
followed by the name of the demo you want
to try. for example:
budo 4x4.js
hit enter and wait until you see some output that looks like this:
[0006] info Server running at (connect)
then point your browser to localhost:9966
###Further info
if any of this doesn't work for you, please file an issue. this is a work in progress.