Install git.
Clone the repo with:
git clone https://github.com/mjones12209/book-store-app.git
You will need to have Node.js/Node Package Manager installed on your system to run/build this application. Installation instructions for Node.js and Node Package Manager can be found here.
Afer NodeJS is installed, install dependencies for the app by running the following command from inside ./server/ & ./client/ directories of the cloned repo in a terminal:
npm install
Change run in split terminal in VSCODE and run the following commands in each ./server/ and ./client to start the backend and frontend respectivley.
npm start
Login with the following credentials:
Username: "harry" Password: "potter"
Start using the application!
Search feature: you can search for books and also the results are saved when switching between screens so you don't have to keep searching over and over.
Refresh token, token will automatically be refreshed for you after you log on to preserve your session.
Responsive design, thanks to react for state updates the design is very responsive. You will see the results of removing a book instantly for example or be notified of when something is being done or had been done.
The application works great on mobile devices.
All API routes are functional in the Front-End.