A pagination and softdelete library for Mongoose.
mongoose-bread is a pagination and softdelete library for quick feature-rich setup of JSON apis. This plugin abstracts the complex task of setting up paramterized collection queries by applying the BREAD convention as Resource methods. So you can Browse Read Edit Add and Destroy a resource by calling the respective method. It creates consistent query results and makes data consumption a lot more predictable. It concerns itself only with the data access layer of your application, for data analysis and post-query mutations implement a service layer as you see fit.
mongoose-bread is build upon
mongoose-paginate-v2 for pagination
mongoose-paginate-v2 -
mongoose-delete for soft deletes
mongoose-bread recommends the use of the following package(s)
- For easy parsing of json requests
npm install mongoose-bread
Import the plugin in your Model Models/Product.js
const mongooseBread = require('mongoose-bread')
Add the plugin to your Schema
ProductSchema.plugin(mongooseBread, { /* options */ })
In your Controller make use of breadHelper() and methods provided by the plugin Controller/ProductController.js
Import the Model
const Product = require('../Models/Product')
Add Controller method - i.e. browseProducts()
ProductController.browseProducts = async (req, res) => {
const options = Product.breadHelper().createBrowseOptions(req)
const result = await Product.browse(options)
Add a Route to use browseProducts() server.js
// your imports
const ProductController = require('../Controller/ProductController')
// your express setup
app.get('/api/v1/products', ProductController.browseProducts)
With your server running you can now paginate, search and filter the results.
Select only specific fields to return.
Make the output lean ...and much more.
All through the parameters in your URL.
A call to https://myapp.com/api/v1/products?page=2&limit=5&select=name+price&sort=quantity
responds with 5 products, sorted by quantity, on page 2 with only name
and price
For a thorough example setup - see: Usage Documentation
We have them - use them - see: Snippets Documentation
mongoose-bread is configurable to your needs through global Options and when registering the plugin to your Schema
Here is a glimpse of what is possible:
ProductSchema.plugin(mongooseBread, {
defaultPageSize: 20, // fallback value for limit - default: 10
maxPageSize: 50, // limits queries to return 50 documents max - default: 100
searchableFields: ['name', 'description'], // enables search
blacklistedFields: ['__v'], // exclude __v from all results
For all Options and recommended setups - see: Options Documentation
mongoose-bread adds the following methods to your Schema
- browse( options )
- read( options )
- edit( options )
- add( options )
- destroy( options )
With softDelete enabled it adds two additional methods
- softDelete( options )
- rehabilitate( options )
It also inherits the methods from mongoose-paginate-v2 and mongoose-delete1
BUT these methods are used and abstracted by mongoose-bread so you don't have the hassle to figure them out
For the respective output of these methods see: Returnvalue Documentation
mongoose-bread provides the following helper methods through a Model.breadHelper()
- createBrowseOptions( request )
- createReadOptions( request )
- createEditOptions( request )
- createAddOptions( request )
- createDeleteOptions( request )
With softDelete enabled it adds three additional methods
- createBrowseDeletedOptions( request )
- createReadDeletedOptions( request )
- createRehabilitateOptions( request )
For shorthands in your Controller/[Resource]Controller.js
you can use the following snippet
const {
} = ResourceModel.breadHelper()
To understand how helper methods and methods work together see: Returnvalue Documentation
Working on it
Looking for wizards
- Ensure all tests pass before you commit by running
npm run test
In order to run the tests, you need to have the Mongo Deamon running locally. - There are pre-commit hooks that run to ensure the files you've changed are formatted correctly.
- Optionally you can manually run
npm run lint && npm run prettier
to lint and format every relevant file - If using VS Code, install eslint and prettier for easy editor integration.
only if softDelete is enabled
pluginOptions.softDelete = true