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Server-less feature gates that don't compromise users' privacy.


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This project lets you define server-less feature gates without compromising users' privacy. It comes in two parts:

  • a Node module / CLI tool that let you encode a list of users
  • a browser module that lets you check whether a user is on the list

Since the users are encoded (details here), you can ship the whole list to the client without exposing your users' information.

This is useful in scenarios where you can't or don't want to define server logic to implement such a feature gate.

Additional features:

  • You can check if the user is on the list from Node too (though this is primarily for the benefit of the CLI tool)
  • You can let a certain proportion i.e. 50% of users through the gate, independent of the list, and deterministically (user X will always be allowed through the gate even if they reload).
  • v1.x and v2.x of this project offer two different encoding schemes with different performance tradeoffs.


We recommend installing the latest v2.x release. Some users will prefer v1.x's tradeoffs, however. See comparison here.

For encoding the list:

# As part of some JS build process:
npm install user-gate --save-dev

# Using the CLI tool:
npm install user-gate -g

For checking the list:

# From both Node and the browser:
npm install user-gate --save

# Using the CLI tool:
npm install user-gate -g


Encoding the list

Let's say that you have a list of users like

// users.json
  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected]"

(These could be any sort of strings, emails or user IDs or whatever.)

You can encode this list using user-gate's Node API or using the CLI tool. Using the Node API:

var UserGateEncoder = require('user-gate').encoder;

var gateEncoder = new UserGateEncoder({
  users: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('users.json', 'utf8')),
  sample: 0.5

// `JSON.stringify` calls `toJSON` on the encoder.
fs.writeFileSync('gate.json', JSON.stringify(gateEncoder));

You can also encode the list as part of a streaming workflow e.g. a Gulp task that publishes the feature gate to Cloudfront:

var argv = require('yargs').argv;
var awspublish = require('gulp-awspublish');
var JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var UserGateEncoder = require('user-gate').encoder;

gulp.task('updateGate', function() {
  var publisher = awspublish.create(/* configuration omitted */);

  var gateEncoder = new UserGateEncoder({
    // We don't specify `users` here because the encoder reads the list from the
    // JSON stream below.
    sample: 0.5

  // For v2.x.
  var numUsers = argv.numUsers;

  return gulp.src(argv.users)
    .pipe(gateEncoder.toStream({ numUsers }))

Or you can encode the list using the CLI tool:

user-gate encode --list users.json --list-size 100 --sample 0.5 gate.json

Checking the list

In the browser:

If your application is capable of importing ES6 modules:

import UserGate from 'user-gate';


<!-- Loads `UserGate` into `window`. There is also a minified version available, `dist/bundle.min.js`.-->
<script src="node_modules/user-gate/dist/bundle.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
  // Assuming that you have jQuery for the purposes of this example.
    .then(function(json) {
      var gate = new UserGate(json);

      var allowed = [
        gate.allows('[email protected]'),
        gate.allows('[email protected]'),
        gate.allows('[email protected]')

      // v2.x
      // Logs "[true, false, true]":
      // - [email protected] was on the list
      // - [email protected] was not on the list
      // - [email protected] was not on the list, but is in the first half of users.

      // In v1.x `UserGate#allows` returns a promise:
      Promise.all(allowed).then(function(allowedValues) {
        // Logs "[true, false, true]" as above.

You can also check the list from Node:

var gate = new UserGate(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('gate.json', 'utf8')));

var allowed = gate.allows('[email protected]');

// v2.x
console.log(allowed); // Logs "true"

// v1.x
allowed.then(function(allowedValue) {
  console.log(allowedValue); // Logs "true"

Or from the CLI tool:

# Prints 'Allowed'
user-gate check gate.json [email protected]

Note: v2.x cannot decode gates produced by v1.x.



Available as require('user-gate').encoder in Node. Not available in the browser.

Serializes a user gate to a form that can be deserialized and read by UserGate.

new UserGateEncoder(gate, options)

This is a constructor, and must be called with new.


  • list: An array of strings identifying the users you wish to allow through the gate (emails, user IDs, whatever). You can also stream these into the encoder (in addition to users specified here, if you like). Defaults to [].
  • sample: The proportion of users to allow through the gate independent of the list, as a number between 0 and 1 e.g 0.5. See UserGate#allows for more information on how this is interpreted. Defaults to 0.

Passing a falsy or empty gate will result in a gate that allows no users through.


  • listFalsePositiveRate - (v2.x only) If list is specified, this controls the rate at which users should be allowed through the gate even if they aren't on the list. 0.01 is the default (1 out of 100 users should be falsely allowed). Specifying a smaller rate will result in a larger encoded gate. 0 is unachievable.


Returns the encoded gate as JSON.

The encoding format should be considered opaque. However, users (if any) will be hashed (details).


Returns a stream to which you can write users, and from which you can read the JSON stringification of the encoded gate:

var fs = require('fs');
var JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
var UserGateEncoder = require('user-gate').encoder;

  .pipe(new UserGateEncoder().toStream({ numUsers: 100 /* v2.x */}))

Pass { end: true } if you only want to use the stream to write the gate out i.e. you've already configured the users or aren't going to provide any:

var fs = require('fs');
var UserGateEncoder = require('user-gate').encoder;

var gateEncoder = new UserGateEncoder({sample: 0.5});

gateEncoder.toStream({end: true})

In v2.x, pass { numUsers: 100 } to indicate that you plan to write ~100 users to the stream. Passing a roughly-accurate estimate is crucial to enforcing the desired false positive rate.


Available as require('user-gate') in Node, or as window.UserGate in the browser.

Deserializes a user gate and checks users against the gate.

new UserGate(encodedGate, options)

This is a constructor, and must be called with new.

encodedGate is JSON produced by UserGateEncoder.


  • sample: the percentage of users we wish to let in.


Checks whether user (a string identifier similar to those encoded) is allowed through the gate, either because:

  • they're on the list
  • they're part of the first sample users

Sampling is done by hashing the user string and projecting it onto a sample space - this is both deterministic and uniformly random.

Checking against the list requires an exact match. However, sampling is case-insensitive.

In v2.x and above, this returns true if user is allowed through the gate, false otherwise.

In v1.x, this returns a promise that resolves to those Boolean values.


To see the CLI tool's options, invoke user-gate -h. You can see help for the tool's commands by passing -h to those too e.g. user-gate encode -h.

User Encoding Scheme

v1.x and v2.x of this project offer two different schemes for encoding the list of users (if one is provided). Skip to the comparison table if you like.

v1.x individually hashes each user using the SHA-256 algorithm. v1.x gates can check if a user is on the list with 100% accuracy, at the cost of very large gates (100.3kB gzipped to encode 3k email addresses).

For this reason, v2.x switches to encoding users using a Bloom filter, which produces drastically smaller gates (5.4kB gzipped to encode 3k email addresses) at the cost of a larger library size (9.2kB vs. 1kB, minified and gzipped) and the possibility of false positives when checking the list.

What this means is that in v2.x UserGate#allows may return true for a user that is not on the list. However, it will never return false for a user that is on the list. (False negatives are not possible.)

This ensures that everyone you wanted to have access to the feature does, and a few others get a sneak peek. The authors of this library consider this to be totally fine.

The false positive rate is tunable. Making the false positive rate smaller will increase the size of the gate. A 0% rate is unachievable (the gate would be infinitely large).

As a bonus, UserGate#allows became synchronous in v2.x.

v2.x cannot decode gates produced by v1.x.

Comparison table

Property v1.x v2.x (recommended)
Gate size (3k email addresses, gzipped) 100.3kB 5.4kB
Browser script size (minified & gzipped) 1kB 9.2kB
Encoding time (3k users, 100 iterations) 29 sec 25.1 sec
False positive rate 0% < 1%
Synchronous? No Yes

The Bloom Filter That v2.x Uses

There are many Bloom filter implementations in JavaScript, but none that seem to be authoritative. This section documents why v2.x uses the one that it does.

A search for "JavaScript bloom filter" returns (as of 8/18/2016) the bloomfilter library as the #1 result. However that library requires you manually specify the number of bits to allocate, which is awkward. More problematic, the author says that the implementation may be flawed.

The #2 result, the bloom-filter library, remedies these issues. If you tell it how many elements you want to store, and the desired false positive rate, it figures out how much memory to allocate. In addition, was developed by a company (Bitpay) to conform to a spec (Bitcoin connection filtering) which gave us confidence in its reliability.

We use @semaj's fork, specifically its divergence branch, because it seems to offer better performance and even greater correctness, at the cost of a somewhat larger size when built for the browser, due to its dependency on a Buffer polyfill. We republished it as @mixmaxhq/bloom-filter to avoid npm's problems with dependencies pulled in from GitHub.

The authors of this library are not cryptography experts. If you feel that this choice is incorrect in some way, please open an issue.


We welcome pull requests! Please lint your code.

Running Tests

To run the Node tests: npm test.

To run the browser tests:

  1. npm run build-test will build the tests and automatically rebuild them if they/the code change.
  2. npm run open-test will open and run the tests in the browser. Reload the page to re-run the tests.

Release History

  • 2.0.2 Switch to @mixmaxhq/bloom-filter - no functional changes
  • 2.0.1 Support strict mode environments
  • 2.0.0 Switch to encoding users using Bloom filters. More details.
  • 1.0.2 Simplify usage by removing unnecessary warning from README (no code changes).
  • 1.0.1 Smaller browser bundle.
  • 1.0.0 Initial release.