- export YOLOv8 model into torchscript, see models/yolo.sh or take a look at quick start section Obtain YOLOv8
- download libtorch, see https://pytorch.org/
The following library is tested against stable version libtorch-2.4.0
In case you want to use opencv, please install it first:
apt install libopencv-dev clang libclang-dev
virtualenv ultra
. ultra/bin/activate
pip3 install ultralytics
yolo export model=yolov8n.pt
ls -l yolov8n.torchscript
More on yolo export: https://docs.ultralytics.com/modes/export/#__tabbed_1_2
Get libtorch
from https://pytorch.org/, the current bindings are using stable version of 2.4.0
. Please decide beforehand if you want to use cpu
or cuda
unzip ~/Downloads/libtorch-cxx11-abi-shared-with-deps-2.4.0+cpu.zip
source ./env # environment
cargo build --release
The video example needs to have opencv installed and enabled as feature.
source ./env # environment
cargo build --release --examples --features=opencv
source ./env # environment
source ./env # environment
target/release/examples/video <some.video.file>
This library tries to do things as close as ultralytics
python package.
Two options are available: using torch and tensor, or using opencv
. In the latter case the opencv
feature must be turned on (default is off).
We pad the image exactly as ultralytics
does, i.e. the aspect ratio is preserved and the gray (114, 114, 114) coler
is used as padding to keep (640, 640)
as input dimension.
We try to use torch
and tensors as long as possible. However, in certain cases it might be faster to move the prediction to the cpu
. In that case, please initialize yolo as:
let yolo = yolo_v8::YoloV8ObjectDetection::with_model(yolo_v8::YOLOModel::Nano).post_process_on_cpu();