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Python test

This project provides METAR and TAF parsers.


pip install metar-taf-parser-mivek


Commons package

This package contains the converter module. The module contains helper functions.

Model package

This package contains multiple modules

  • enum: Contains the enumerations for the project
  • model: Contains the model classes for the project

Parser package

This package contains the parser module with the MetarParser and TAFParser classes.



  • CloudQuantity: Represents the quantity in a cloud layer
  • CloudType: Represents the type of cloud in a cloud layer
  • Intensity: Represents the intensity of a weather phenomenon
  • Descriptive: Represents the descriptive part of a weather phenomenon
  • Phenomenon: Represents the phenomenon of a weather phenomenon
  • TimeIndicator: Indicates the time trend
  • WeatherChangeType: Indicate the type of trend



Represents the wind part of a metar, taf or trend

  • speed: int. The speed of the wind
  • direction: str. The cardinal direction of the wind
  • degrees: int. The direction in degrees
  • gust: int. The speed of gust if any, None otherwise
  • min_variation: int. The minimal degree variation of the wind
  • max_variation: int. The maximal degree variation of the wind
  • unit: str. The unit of the speed of the wind.


Represents a wind shear in TAF message. This class extends Wind.

  • height: int. The height of the wind shear.


Represents the visibility part of a METAR, TAF or trend.

  • distance: str. The distance in meters or nautical miles.
  • min_distance: int. The minimal distance in meters if any.
  • min_direction: str. The direction of the minimal distance if any.


Represents the weather part of a METAR, TAF or trend.

  • intensity: Intensity. The intensity of the weather condition if any, None otherwise.
  • descriptive: Descriptive. The descriptive of the weather condition if any, None otherwise.
  • phenomenons: [Phenomenon]. Array of phenomenons of the weather condition.


Represents the temperature part of a TAF.

  • temperature: int. The temperature in celsius degrees.
  • day: int. Day of the occurrence.
  • hour: int. Hour of the occurrence.


Contains information on the visibility on a runway

  • name: str. The name of the runway.
  • min_range: int. The minimal visibility distance on the runway.
  • max_range: int. The maximal visibility distance on the runway.
  • trend: str. The trend of the visibility.


Represents a cloud layer in METAR, TAF or trend object.

  • height: int. The height of the layer in feet.
  • quantity: CloudQuantity. The quantity of clouds.
  • type: CloudType. The type of cloud in the layer.


Abstract class containing the basic fields of METAR, TAF or trend objects.

  • wind: Wind. The wind. Can be None for trends.
  • visibility: Visibility. The visibility.
  • vertical_visibility: int. The vertical visibility, can be None
  • wind_shear: WindShear. The wind shear object.
  • cavok: bool. Indicates whether the message is CAVOK (Ceiling and visibility OK)
  • remark: str. The remark part of the message.
  • remarks: list[str]. List of remarks. Each element is a different remark or token
  • clouds: [Cloud]. Array of clouds elements.
  • weather_conditions: [WeatherCondition]. Array of weather conditions.


Abstract class representing the base of a Validity object.

  • start_day: int. The starting day of the validity.
  • start_hour: int. The starting hour of the validity.


Class extending the AbstractWeatherContainer. Abstract parent class of METAR and TAF.

  • day: int. The delivery day of the METAR or TAF.
  • time: datetime.time. The delivery time of the METAR/TAF.
  • message: str. The message of the METAR/TAF.
  • station: str. The station for which the message was issued.
  • trends: [TAFTrend/MetarTrend]. Array of trends


Class representing a metar object.

  • temperature: int. The temperature in celsius.
  • dew_point: int. The dew_point in celsius.
  • altimeter: float. The altimeter value in HPa.
  • nosig: bool. Whether the message is nosig: No significant changes to come.
  • auto: bool. Whether the message is auto.
  • runway_info: [RunwayInfo]. Array of runway information.


Class representing a TAF object.

  • validity: Validity. The validity of the TAF.
  • max_temperature: TemperatureDated. The maximum temperature during the validity of the TAF.
  • min_temperature: TemperatureDated. The minimum temperature during the validity of the TAF.
  • amendment: bool. Whether the TAF is an amendment.


Abstract base class for trend.

  • type: WeatherChangeType. The type of change.


Class containing the time of the trend.

  • time: datetime.time. Time of the trend's occurrence.
  • type: TimeIndicator. Type of time change of the trend.


Represents a trend in a METAR object, this class extends AbstractTrend.

  • times: [MetarTrendTime]. The list of time change of the trend.


Represent a trend in a TAF object, this class extends AbstractTrend

  • validity: AbstractValidity. The validity of the trend either Validity or FMValidity
  • probability: int. The probability of a trend, can be None.


Represents the validity timespan of a TAF or TAFTrend, this class extends AbstractValidity.

  • end_day: int. The ending day of the validity.
  • end_hour: int The ending hour of the validity.


Represents the validity of a From trend, extends AbstractValidity

  • start_minutes: int. The starting minute of the trend.


Parse a METAR

Use the method parse(string) of the MetarParser to parse a metar.

from metar_taf_parser.parser.parser import MetarParser

metar = MetarParser().parse('KTTN 051853Z 04011KT 9999 VCTS SN FZFG BKN003 OVC010 M02/M02 A3006')

Parse a TAF

Use the method parse(string) of the TAFParser to parse a TAF message. The message must start with TAF in order to be parsed.

from metar_taf_parser.parser.parser import TAFParser

taf = TAFParser().parse(
    'TAF LFPG 150500Z 1506/1612 17005KT 6000 SCT012 TEMPO 1506/1509 3000 BR BKN006 PROB40 TEMPO 1506/1508 0400 BCFG BKN002 PROB40 TEMPO 1512/1516 4000 -SHRA FEW030TCU BKN040 BECMG 1520/1522 CAVOK TEMPO 1603/1608 3000 BR BKN006 PROB40 TEMPO 1604/1607 0400 BCFG BKN002 TX17/1512Z TN07/1605Z')


The following locales are supported:

  • en (default)
  • fr
  • de
  • pl
  • it

To add or complete locales please see CONTRIBUTING