This project is used to test scenarios with distributed sensors and actuators. Therefore, the sensors and actuators communicate either via the Internet with the application or are simulated by it. The goal is to create a test environment to develop algorithms, such as for a guidance system.
The following technologies were used for the implementation of the project:
The application needs dependencies from maven central. However, it also has local dependencies, which you can find in the libs
Make sure, you have the following installed:
- Java 17 or newer
- Gradle 8
Check out the Source Code from GitHub.
git clone
Run the application:
gradle run
To clean up the build
gradle clean
Run the tests:
gradle test
The architecture is implemented according to the MVC architecture pattern. For this purpose, the application was implemented using the JavaFX MVC template from the University FHNW. For more information see JavaFX MVC-Template.
├─── artifactory.gradle (settings for do not touch)
├─── bin/ (compiled binaries; not committed, in .gitignore)
├─── build/ (generated build files; not committed, in .gitignore)
├─── build.gradle (project settings)
├─── .gitignore
├─── gradle/ (Gradle distribution to build this project)
├─── .gradle/ (not committed, in .gitignore)
├─── gradlew (Unix command for Gradle)
├─── gradlew.bat (Windows command for Gradle)
├─── libs (Local dependencies)
├─┬─ src/ (Source Code)
│ ├─┬─ main/
│ │ ├─── java/ (Java classes)
│ │ └─── resources/ (Resources used by the Java classes)
│ └─┬─ test/
│ └─── java (Java test classes)
└─── settings.gradle (project name configuration)
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to modify and distribute it as needed.