A service that will pull form a queue of stories with text and tag stories with the the countries they are about (using CLIFF-CLAVIN results)
Install redis. Then:
virtualenv venv
to create your virtualenvsource venv/bin/activate
- to activate your virtualenvpip install -r requirements.txt
- to install the dependencies
Define the settings you need to in app.config
, based on the template in there.
Run the workers in one window by doing: celery worker -A geoworker -l info
In another window start up the story fetcher with python queue-stories-in-topic.py 1234 567789
(where 1234 is the id
of the topic you want to process, and 567789 is the timespans_id within that topic),
Fill in the app.config
with your query and filter_query, then run queue-stories-from-query
from a cronjob.