Smart Contract Deployment and Abstraction Service.
To run the POC happy path you must have:
- Upvest OAuth credentials
- An existing user
- A single ETH wallet owned by the user
- The wallet should have some funds to deploy a contract
- Infura project ID
- Local postgres database
Once all requisites are satisfied, insert the relevant credentials in the config.yaml
as shown in the example below.
upvestPassword: hunter2
upvestUsername: user1
upvestWalletID: 01234567-0123-4567-0123-0123456789ab
walletAddress: 0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567
upvestOAuthID: randomCHARSrandomCHARSrandomCHARSrandom4
upvestOAuthSecret: >-
upvestEtherAssetID: 01234567-0123-4567-0123-0123456789ab
smartContractABI: >-
smartContractBytecode: >-
infuraProjectID: e08c99bf72b34790b5b499bb38584770