Neo4j.rb is a graph database for JRuby.
You can think of Neo4j as a high-performance graph engine with all the features of a mature and robust database. The programmer works with an object-oriented, flexible network structure rather than with strict and static tables — yet enjoys all the benefits of a fully transactional, enterprise-strength database. This JRuby gem uses the mature Neo4j Java library.
It has been tested with Neo4j version 1.8.2 and 1.9.M03 (see here) and JRuby 1.7.4 (see Travis).
Notice, you do not need to install the Neo4j server since this gem comes included with the database. However, if you still want to use the Neo4j server (e.g. the admin UI) you can connect the embedded database with the Neo4j server using a Neo4j HA Cluster.
- Github Wiki
- Blog
- Specs - There are 2023 RSpecs (478/neo4j-core, 425/neo4j-wrapper and 1120/this gem - 2012 April)
- Docs from Neo Technology
- Neo4j.rb with HA Cluster Screencast
- The Kvitter Rails 3.2x App (kvitter = tweets in Swedish)
- Gritter (Rails 3.2) Another Twitter clone, but with User Auth, Posts, and Follower Recommendations.
- Simple Rails 3.0 App
Major benefits of Neo4j.rb:
- Domain Modeling - use the language of a graph (nodes/relationship/properties) to express your domain!
- Schema Less and Efficient storage of Semi Structured Information
- No O/R mismatch - very natural to map a graph to an Object Oriented language like Ruby.
- Performance
- Embedded Database - no database tier, easier to install, test, deploy and configure. It is run in the same process as your application.
- Express Queries as Traversals
- Fast deep traversal instead of slow SQL queries that span many table joins.
- Very natural to express graph related problem with traversals (recommendation engine, find shortest parth etc..)
- Seamless integration with Ruby on Rails.
- ACID Transaction with rollbacks support.
The Ruby libraries for Neo4j are divided into 4 separate gems.
- Layer 3:
provides all the niceties you'd expect from a Rails ORM. (You are here..) An implementation of the Rails Active Model and a subset of the Active Record API, seeNeo4j::Rails::Model
. - Layer 2:
provides Ruby wrappers for objects and query results. A binding API to Ruby objects, seeNeo4j::NodeMixin
. - Layer 1:
is a JRuby compatibility layer over the standard Java Neo4j API. For interacting with the basic building blocks of the graph database (node, properties and relationship), seeNeo4j::Node
. - Additionally,
provides a DSL for the Cypher Query Language. The DSL lets you create Cypher queries in an easy to understand way instead of hand-crafting strings.
Notice that you can always access the lower layers if you want to do something more advanced. You can even access the Java API directly.
The neo4j
gem depends on the neo4j-wrapper
, neo4j-core
, and neo4j-cypher
gem. You can use neo4j-wrapper
directly if you do not need the Rails functionality.
The documentation for all projects is combined in the neo4j
Additionally, the neo4j-community
, neo4j-advanced
, neo4j-enterprise
gems provide the necessary jars to embed the Neo4j server. Due to licensing concerns, only neo4j-community
is required by default.
Major components of the Neo4j gem include:
- Neo4j::Rails::Model
- Neo4j::Rails::Relationship
- Neo4j::Rails::Observer
- Neo4j::Rails::HaConsole::Railitie
- Neo4j::Rails::Versioning
- Neo4j::Rails::Compositions::ClassMethods
- Neo4j::Rails::AcceptId
Example of creating an Neo4j Application from scratch:
Make sure you are using JRuby!
gem install rails
rails new myapp -m -O
cd myapp
rails generate scaffold User name:string email:string
rails s
open a webbrowser: http://localhost:3000/users
The -O flag above means that it will skip active record. For more information, read the Scaffolds & Generators Wiki.
Example of using Neo4j with Rails 3 (ActiveModel)
class User < Neo4j::Rails::Model
attr_accessor :password
attr_accessible :email, :password, :password_confirmation, :pending_account
after_save :encrypt_password
email_regex = /\A[\w+\-.]+@[a-z\d\-.]+\.[a-z]+\z/i
# add an exact lucene index on the email property
property :email, index: :exact
validates :email, presence: true, format: { :with => email_regex }
validates :email, uniqueness: true, unless: :pending_account?
accepts_nested_attributes_for :avatar, allow_destroy: true
u = 'kalle', age: 42, email: "[email protected]")
The neo4j-wrapper
gem provides both the Neo4j::NodeMixin and Neo4j::RelationshipMixin. These can be mixed into normal Ruby classes to provide a persistence mechanism for Neo4j.
Example of mapping a Ruby class to a Node and delaring Properties and Relationships and Lucene index.
class Person
include Neo4j::NodeMixin
property :name, index: :exact
property :city
has_n :friends
has_one :address
# NOTE: we *must* perform write operations in a transaction! do
andreas = (:name => 'andreas')
andreas.friends << (:name => 'peter')
andreas.friends.each {|person| puts "name #{}" }
Person.find("name: andreas") # => 'andreas'
The neo4j-core
gem provides a thin layer around the Java API.
- Neo4j::Node The Java Neo4j Node
- Neo4j::Relationship The Java Relationship
- Neo4j The Database
- Neo4j::Algo Included algorithms, like shortest_path
Example of creating a Neo4j::Node
require 'neo4j-core' do
node = => 'andreas')
node.outgoing(:friends) << => 'peter')
node.outgoing(:friends).each {|node| puts "name #{node[:name]}"}
Yes, check Neo4j.rb Ha Cluster or Screencast. Notice, you don't need to install the Neo4j Server, but it could be a useful tool to visualize the graph.
You can configure Neo4j through the Neo4j::Config object.
Neo4j::Config[:storage_path] = "/var/neo4j"
When using Neo4j.rb from Rails you can use the normal Rails config/application.rb
to set Neo4j configuration.
config.neo4j.storage_path = "#{config.root}/db/neo4j"
Neo4j.rb uses Neo4j in embedded mode. This is great, but means that deploying to Heroku or other restricted environments is out. Luckily, you can use Neo4j.rb running on any number of unrestricted environments.
- has a lot of instructional videos on dev ops and deploying your app to production.
- Chris Fitzpatrick has written up an excellent guide for using Chef to deploy your new Neo4j.rb app to a VPS like Digital Ocean, Linode, or EC2.
- The Neo4j Manual has details of the finer points of operations and deployement.
- Graph Databases by Ian Robinson, Jim Webber, and Emil Eifrem has a large section on planning, deploying, and scaling your Neo4j database.
- Have you found a bug, need help or have a patch ?
- Just clone neo4j.rb and send me a pull request or email me.
- Do you need help - send me an email (andreas.ronge at gmail dot com).
- Neo4j.rb - MIT, see the LICENSE.
- Lucene - Apache, see the Lucene Documentation.
- Neo4j - Dual free software/commercial license, see Lisencing Guide.
Notice: there are different license for the neo4j-community
, neo4j-advanced
, and neo4j-enterprise
jar gems. Only the neo4j-community
gem is by default required.