This repository implements the algorithms presented in the paper
- We advise the reader to use virtualenv so that installing dependencies is easy
python -m pip install -e .
> python -u --help
usage: [-h] [--map MAP] [--alg {baseline,optimistic,appropo}]
[--rounds ROUNDS] [--seed SEED]
[--solver {ucbvi,policy_iteration,reinforce,value_iteration,a2c}]
[--horizon HORIZON] [--output_dir OUTPUT_DIR]
[--env {box_gridworld,gridworl}] [--budget BUDGET [BUDGET ...]]
[--randomness RANDOMNESS] [--value_coef VALUE_COEF]
[--entropy_coef ENTROPY_COEF]
[--actor_critic_lr ACTOR_CRITIC_LR]
[--discount_factor DISCOUNT_FACTOR]
[--num_episodes NUM_EPISODES]
[--conplanner_iter CONPLANNER_ITER] [--bonus_coef BONUS_COEF]
[--planner {value_iteration,a2c}]
[--optimistic_lambda_lr OPTIMISTIC_LAMBDA_LR]
[--optomistic_reset {warm-start,scratch,continue}]
[--num_fic_episodes NUM_FIC_EPISODES] [--mx_size MX_SIZE]
[--proj_lr PROJ_LR] [--baseline_lambda_lr BASELINE_LAMBDA_LR]
To run the experiments, go to the directory rlwithknapsacks/
for the different environments:
- Gridworld use the flag
--env gridworld
- Box Gridworld use the flag
--env box_gridworld
for different instantions of our algorithm:
- Value-Iteration planner use the flag
--planner value_iteration
- Actor-Critic planner use the flag
--planner a2c
Commands to reproduce results in our paper:
- Gridworld + Value-Iteration, run
python -u --alg optimistic --env gridworld --planner value_iteration
- Gridworld + Actor-Critic, run
python -u --alg optimistic --env gridworld --planner a2c
- Box Gridworld + Value-Iteration, run
python -u --alg optimistic --env box_gridworld --planner value_iteration
- Box Gridworld + Actor-Critic, run
python -u --alg optimistic --env box_gridworld --planner a2c
The results are generated and stored in the location specified by --output_dir
We would like to thank Tim Vieira for creating this "repo" that our codebase builds on.