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Ariadne package for implementing Ariadne GraphQL schemas using modular approach.


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Ariadne GraphQL Modules

Ariadne package for implementing Ariadne GraphQL schemas using modular approach.

For reasoning behind this work, please see this GitHub discussion.

See API reference file for documentation.


Ariadne GraphQL Modules can be installed using pip:

pip install ariadne-graphql-modules

Ariadne 0.22 or later is required for library to work.


Basic example

from datetime import date

from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
from ariadne_graphql_modules import ObjectType, gql, make_executable_schema

class Query(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Query {
            message: String!
            year: Int!

    def resolve_message(*_):
        return "Hello world!"

    def resolve_year(*_):

schema = make_executable_schema(Query)
app = GraphQL(schema=schema, debug=True)

Dependency injection

If __schema__ string contains other type, its definition should be provided via __requires__ attribute:

from typing import List, Optional

from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
from ariadne_graphql_modules import ObjectType, gql, make_executable_schema

from my_app.users import User, get_user, get_last_users

class UserType(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type User {
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            email: String

    def resolve_email(user: User, info):
        if info.context["is_admin"]:

        return None

class UsersQueries(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Query {
            user(id: ID!): User
            users: [User!]!
    __requires__ = [UserType]

    def resolve_user(*_, id: string) -> Optional[User]:
        return get_user(id=id)

    def resolve_users(*_, id: string) -> List[User]:
        return get_last_users()

# UsersQueries already knows about `UserType` so it can be omitted
# in make_executable_schema arguments
schema = make_executable_schema(UsersQueries)
app = GraphQL(schema=schema, debug=True)

Deferred dependencies

Optionally dependencies can be declared as deferred so they can be provided directly to make_executable_schema:

from typing import List, Optional

from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
from ariadne_graphql_modules import DeferredType, ObjectType, gql, make_executable_schema

from my_app.users import User, get_user, get_last_users

class UserType(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type User {
            id: ID!
            name: String!
            email: String

    def resolve_email(user: User, info):
        if info.context["is_admin"]:

        return None

class UsersQueries(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Query {
            user(id: ID!): User
            users: [User!]!
    __requires__ = [DeferredType("User")]

    def resolve_user(*_, id: string) -> Optional[User]:
        return get_user(id=id)

    def resolve_users(*_, id: string) -> List[User]:
        return get_last_users()

schema = make_executable_schema(UserType, UsersQueries)
app = GraphQL(schema=schema, debug=True)

Automatic case convertion between python_world and clientWorld

Resolving fields values

Use __aliases__ = convert_case to automatically set aliases for fields that convert case

from ariadne_graphql_modules import ObjectType, convert_case, gql

class UserType(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type User {
            id: ID!
            fullName: String!
    __aliases__ = convert_case

Converting fields arguments

Use __fields_args__ = convert_case on type to automatically convert field arguments to python case in resolver kwargs:

from ariadne_graphql_modules import MutationType, convert_case, gql

from my_app import create_user

class UserRegisterMutation(MutationType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Mutation {
            registerUser(fullName: String!, email: String!): Boolean!
    __fields_args__ = convert_case

    async def resolve_mutation(*_, full_name: str, email: str):
        user = await create_user(
        return bool(user)

Converting inputs fields

Use __args__ = convert_case on type to automatically convert input fields to python case in resolver kwargs:

from ariadne_graphql_modules import InputType, MutationType, convert_case, gql

from my_app import create_user

class UserRegisterInput(InputType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        input UserRegisterInput {
            fullName: String!
            email: String!
    __args__ = convert_case

class UserRegisterMutation(MutationType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Mutation {
            registerUser(input: UserRegisterInput!): Boolean!
    __requires__ = [UserRegisterInput]

    async def resolve_mutation(*_, input: dict):
        user = await create_user(
        return bool(user)

Roots merging

Query, Mutation and Subscription types are automatically merged into one by make_executable_schema:

from datetime import date

from ariadne.asgi import GraphQL
from ariadne_graphql_modules import ObjectType, gql, make_executable_schema

class YearQuery(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Query {
            year: Int!

    def resolve_year(*_):

class MessageQuery(ObjectType):
    __schema__ = gql(
        type Query {
            message: String!

    def resolve_message(*_):
        return "Hello world!"

schema = make_executable_schema(YearQuery, MessageQuery)
app = GraphQL(schema=schema, debug=True)

Final schema will contain single Query type thats result of merged tupes:

type Query {
    message: String!
    year: Int!

Fields on final type will be ordered alphabetically.

Moving declarations from Ariadne

Ariadne GraphQL Modules support combining old and new approaches to schema definition.

See moving guide for examples and details.


We are welcoming contributions to Ariadne GraphQL Modules! If you've found a bug or issue, feel free to use GitHub issues. If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know via GitHub discussions.

Also make sure you follow @AriadneGraphQL on Twitter for latest updates, news and random musings!

Crafted with ❤️ by Mirumee Software [email protected]