- The only enhanced android Gallery app for local images on f-droid
- Shows photos in a geographic map from openstreetmap
- Buildin file manager for photos: find, sort, view, copy, delete, set gps exif data, send, ... .
- Fast find local photos by (sub-)folder, date and/or geographic map.
- Translations: English, German
Help wanted for further Translations
Latest stable release: v0.4.3 (branch FDroid)
- available via f-droid.org installer or apk internet download or sourcecode at github
- Recent changes see History
- License under GPLv3 or later.
- Overview
- Gallery-View
- Geographic-Map
- Image-View
- Filter-View
- Bookmarks
- Folder-Picker
- Settings
- Intent API
Feedback, translation and contributions are welcomed.
- Issue tracker
- You can help to translate this app via https://crowdin.com/project/androFotoFinder