] This is the HMPPS Allocations service. This is used by Manage a workforce UI to serve unallocated cases.
Listens to events from Delius, stores unallocated cases and writes an allocation into Delius
Integration points:
- Delius via SQS
- Community-api read and write
- Assessment-api read
- Postgres for database
- Java JDK 18+
- An editor/IDE
- Gradle
- Docker
- OAuth token
- Local development is normally done by working TDD and using unit/integration tests to drive development (and validate everything works) - see the
How to run the tests locally
section below for how to do this - There are occasions where you might want to run locally against the dev environment so that you can check everything is working with real(ish) data on the DEV environment
- The following steps will allow you to do this and integrate with:
- DEV Allocations DB (AWS RDS Database)
- DEV hmpps-tier service
- DEV assessment service
- DEV assess-risks-needs service
- DEV workforce-allocations-to-delius service
- DEV community service
- The host urls for all the services listed above are configured in
- All secrets for authentication with these service and connection to the RDS database are passed as VM options (and not kept in code for security reasons) - see later section
- To connect to the DEV database we will need to port forward it
- Here is the wiki on how to do this Access the DEV RDS Database
- we can run
locally as a docker container so that we do not need to integrate with the messaging infrastructure in AWS (the application is reliant on this for processing events) - to run
run this from this repo's root directory:
docker-compose up -d localstack
- with the above command, you will have noticed that we are specifically running the
container only. If we were to run the usualdocker-compose up -d
command then we would run thepostgres
container also which would port clash with the port forward we are running for the DEV DB
- Right-click and Run
- This will fail initially but will have created a
Run Configuration
in the configuration dropdown next to theRun
buttons - Click on the
configuration >Edit Configuration
- In the
VM Options
box paste the following:
- The placeholder values in the above properties need to be swapped out for the real secrets in your configuration
- These secrets are stored in
and can be accessed in thehmpps-allocations
secrets - Here is a guide for connecting to the Kubernetes Cluster to access the secrets
- Once the secrets are finalised save the configuration with the following:
- Click
- Click
- Click
- You should now be able to
the application using this configuration by hitting theRun
buttons next to the configuration
Execute the following command:
./gradlew bootRun -Dspring.profiles.active=local -Doauth.client.id=<retrieve_k8s_secret__AUTH_API_CLIENT_ID> -Doauth.client.secret=<retrieve_k8s_secret__AUTH_API_CLIENT_SECRET> -Ddatabase.name=<retrieve_k8s_secret__database_name> -Ddatabase.username=<retrieve_k8s_secret__database_username> -Ddatabase.password=<retrieve_k8s_secret__database_password>
Execute the following commands:
docker compose up -d
./gradlew check
ktlint is the authority on style and is enforced on build.
Run ./gradlew ktlintFormat
to fix formatting errors in your code before commit.
To apply the formatting to Intellij and add a pre-commit hook run the following commands:
./gradlew ktlintApplyToIdea addKtlintFormatGitPreCommitHook