Acycle v1.2 released!
What's new
Getting Started:;
Acycle v1.2 has new stuff:
Date: May 20, 2019
Signal/Noise generator: a GUI to replace old tools generating "sine wave", "red noise" and "white noise";
Evolutionary spectral analysis: add one option for zero-padding both top and bottom of series, this is to add back the missed half-window due to the sliding window methods.
- [Thank Dr. Nicolas R. Thibault (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) for this wonderful suggestion.]
Evolutionary spectral analysis: add sub-panels showing 2-pi-MTM power spectrum and data-series
- [Thank Daniel R. Franco (Department of Geophysics, National Observatory, Brazil) for this wonderful suggestion.]
Support SPACE in file name and folder name;
- [Thank Dr. Feng Cheng (Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Rochester) for this suggestion.]
COCO: detect test limits of sedimentation rate automatically.
Acycle v1.1 has new stuff:
eCOCO: save optimal sed. rate as a text file: "*.ECOCO.Optimal.txt";
eTimeOpt: save optimal sed. rate as a text file: "*.eTimeOpt.txt";
TimeOpt and eTimeOpt use Taner roll-off rate of 1012 ;
Put back lost smoothci.m and smoothciML.m files;
Icons in the main window: remove borders of each button;
Fix a bug in Plot Digitizer;
Add a Mini-robot GUI.
Please cite:
Mingsong Li, Linda A. Hinnov, Lee R. Kump, 2019. Acycle: Time-series analysis software for paleoclimate research and education. Computers & Geosciences. 127: 12-22.