What's Changed
- fix allow_roles field cast to array by @netyum in #63
- 支持 windows by @netyum in #65
- 修复获取值 by @netyum in #66
- add requestid in log by @netyum in #72
- [增加,以表的dept_id作为数据范围, 没有字段, 不限制] by @netyum in #73
- 删除无用注释 by @zhanghangt in #84
- 支持pgsql by @netyum in #87
- fix 在线用户统计优化,配置获取缓存逻辑优化 by @zds-s in #98
- 2.0.x dev by @zds-s in #99
- 更新 readme by @zds-s in #100
- fixed dockerfile by @zds-s in #102
- fixed docker used hyperf docker by @zds-s in #103
- fixed cacheable annotation by @zds-s in #104
- 修复 dict service使用缓存注解参数错误 by @zds-s in #105
- feature hyperf issue template by @zds-s in #107
- used hyperf issue template by @zds-s in #108
- fixed mine-core by @zds-s in #109
- fix: 修复mine-core 包 by @zds-s in #110
- fix: 修改handleSearch条件检查函数,以及适配主键支持雪花ID和UUID by @kanyxmo in #111
- beta.3 by @zds-s in #114
- 2.0 by @zds-s in #115
- Optimize the online user statistics interface. by @zds-s in #116
- 2.0 by @zds-s in #117
- fixed pest by @zds-s in #119
- v2.0.4-beta by @zds-s in #122
- Delete runtime files by @Chance-fyi in #124
- merge master by @zds-s in #125
- Merge pull request #125 from mineadmin/master by @zds-s in #126
- merge 2.0 by @zds-s in #127
- 2.0.x dev by @kanyxmo in #128
- 2.0 by @kanyxmo in #129
- Rename setting_crontab.php to setting_crontab_seeder.php by @assert6 in #134
- Improve app store functionality by providing built-in app store visua… by @zds-s in #135
- Improve app store functionality and provide built-in app store visualization plug-ins by @zds-s in #136
- Add English readme and some interface unit tests. by @zds-s in #137
- Doc by @zds-s in #138
- Improve unit testing of the Data Source Management Controller interface by @zds-s in #139
- Added workflows by @zds-s in #143
- Delete codecov.yml by @zds-s in #145
- Fixed test.yml by @zds-s in #146
- Fixed by @zds-s in #147
- Added CommonController Unit Test by @zds-s in #148
- Added SystemDeptController Test by @zds-s in #149
- Code style by @zds-s in #150
- Fixed coverage by @zds-s in #151
- Added test by @zds-s in #152
- Added MenuController Unit Test by @zds-s in #153
- Add tree test by @zds-s in #154
- Added unit test by @zds-s in #155
- Optimize pest configuration and improve MenuController interface testing. by @zds-s in #156
- Fixed by @zds-s in #157
- Added CacheMonitorController Test by @zds-s in #158
- Remove coverage report by @zds-s in #159
- Added Logs,Online,Server,AttachmentController test by @zds-s in #160
- Add more controller single tests by @zds-s in #163
- Add more controller tests by @zds-s in #164
- Optimise request->all() to clear the number subscripts when fetching by @zds-s in #165
- Rename the unit test directory by @zds-s in #170
- Remove comment by @zds-s in #173
- Adding a gitee repository synchronisation process by @zds-s in #174
- Optimising the
function by @zds-s in #180 - Add code generation preview by @netyum in #178
- Remove CheckModuleMiddleware by @zds-s in #184
- Remove CheckModuleMiddleware by @zds-s in #185
- Add CheckModule to all controllers. by @zds-s in #193
- 优化 by @netyum in #186
- Fix cache prefix inconsistency by @zds-s in #199
- Customizing response headers by @zds-s in #200
- Optimise pest test scripts. Remove meaningless process scripts by @zds-s in #203
- Close swagger server by @zds-s in #204
- Specify the swagger version by @zds-s in #205
- Optimize common.php repeated introduction problem by @zds-s in #213
- Added preview of field migration files by @zds-s in #215
- Removal of hazardous methods by @zds-s in #217
- Repair some files generated when table prefix is not null automatically with table prefix. by @hi-noikiy in #218
- Add interface testing process in sql server environment by @zds-s in #219
- Releases-2.0-beta.6 by @zds-s in #221
- Adding comments to .env.example key fields by @zds-s in #224
- Optimal Amqp by @zds-s in #225
- Fix Push Messages by @zds-s in #226
- .env.example增加JWT默认值 by @NEKGod in #228
- Add labels automatically for pr by @zds-s in #229
- fix: created table migrations allow nullable by @kanyxmo in #230
- feat:
add has_permission() and has_role() two fu… by @kanyxmo in #231 - Code style by @zds-s in #232
- system_user model backend_setting field add mapping json by @People-Sea in #237
- Add user controller form validation rules by @Eno233 in #239
- Update CONTRIBUTING.md by @zds-s in #242
- fix: 用户单位筛选异常 by @getda in #250
- Using mineadmin Appstore by @zds-s in #252
- move docker-composer to directory,add a .env file by @faizel-88 in #253
- V2.0-RC by @zds-s in #259
- Revert "move docker-composer to directory,add a .env file" by @zds-s in #260
- Remove redundant configuration by @zds-s in #263
- Removing Meaningless Test Processes by @zds-s in #265
- Release v2.0-stable by @zds-s in #266
- Update .env.example by @kanyxmo in #267
- Update README.md by @kanyxmo in #268
- Update mine-extension.php by @kanyxmo in #269
- feat Auto-generated changelog by @zds-s in #271
- 解决部门树状数据时重复问题 #130 by @onekb in #274
- 修复因 storage_mode是int类型获取文件系统不正确导致无法删除OSS或其他文件系统文件 by @zazi523623 in #275
- fix:修复变量注释不自动提示问题 by @jnewer in #277
- Fix spacing issue in .env.example" by @BadJacky in #279
- Remove workflow by @zds-s in #281
- add docker mysql volumes by @jerevive in #282
- 修改用户更新个人资料过滤不存在的字段、修复手机号码验证传递null会报错的问题 by @zazi523623 in #283
- feat: 字典分类新增list接口 by @kanyxmo in #284
New Contributors
- @zhanghangt made their first contribution in #84
- @kanyxmo made their first contribution in #111
- @Chance-fyi made their first contribution in #124
- @assert6 made their first contribution in #134
- @hi-noikiy made their first contribution in #218
- @People-Sea made their first contribution in #237
- @Eno233 made their first contribution in #239
- @getda made their first contribution in #250
- @faizel-88 made their first contribution in #253
- @onekb made their first contribution in #274
- @zazi523623 made their first contribution in #275
- @jnewer made their first contribution in #277
- @BadJacky made their first contribution in #279
- @jerevive made their first contribution in #282
Full Changelog: v1.3.3...v2.0.1