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mikrocms core

The core of the mikrocms package is the module initialization system. It starts with loading the core on the index of the Express app and passing the configuration.

mikrocms core workflow

Default Module

The important thing about the mikrocms module is the default module. You must have one module named default. When other modules interact with the configuration without specifying the name of the module, they will refer to the default module configuration.

module.exports = {
  "modules": {
    "default": {
      "database": {},
      "schema": {},
      "model": {},
      "locale": {},
      "middleware": {},
      "router": {},
      "service": [],
      "public": {}


Configuration includes environment settings and all the modules we have, and it is passed into the mikrocms initialization. The configuration can be stored in a separate file or included directly:

module.exports = {
  "env": {},
  "modules": {
    "module_name": {
      "database": {},
      "schema": {},
      "model": {},
      "locale": {},
      "view": [],
      "middleware": {},
      "router": {},
      "service": [],
      "public": {}

Environment Configuration

Shared data configuration involves managing and accessing configuration data across different parts of an application or across multiple modules. Environment variables are commonly used to store configuration data that needs to be shared.

"env": {
  // all environment variables

Database Configuration

Managing database connections efficiently is crucial for the performance and scalability of your application. The configuration file for mikrocms allows you to define multiple database connections in a centralized manner. The database used by mikrocms utilizes the Sequelize package. The database configuration references Sequelize:

"database": {
  "connection_name": {
    "database": "name_of_database",
    "username": "username_of_user",
    "password": "password_of_user",
    "sequelize": {
      "host": "hostname",
      "port": "port",
      "dialect": "mysql"
      // other Sequelize configurations

Schema Configuration

The schema configuration defines the structure of your database tables using Sequelize models. Each model represents a table in your database:

"schema": {
  "schema_name": {
    "connection": "name of the database connection",
    "structure": require("path_to_schema_file")

Schema file:

function (sequelize) {
  return {
    attributes: {
      // defining the fields of the model
    options: {
      tableName: "name_of_table",
      // other Sequelize schema options

Model Configuration

Models contain all methods callable by our service and other models to process queries to the database tables. We can also define schema relationships within the migration method.

"model": {
  "model_name": require("path_to_model_file")

Model file:

function ({ env, db, schema, model, lib }) {
  function migration() {
    // Define migrations here

  return {
    // other model methods

Locale Configuration

Web localization is the process of adapting a website or web application to different languages and regions, making it suitable for users from various cultural backgrounds:

"locale": {
  "language_code": require("path_to_locale_file")

Locale file:

module.exports = {
  “locale_id”: “locale format string”

View Configuration

The view folder helps organize and separate the presentation layer from the business logic in your application.

view: [

Middleware Configuration

The middleware configuration defines methods to intercept requests.

"middleware": {
  "middleware_name": require("path_to_middleware_file")

Middleware file:

function ({ env, model, locale, middleware }) {
  return [
    // all handler methods

Router Configuration

Express Router is a built-in feature of the Express.js framework that allows you to create modular, mountable route handlers. It is a powerful tool for organizing your application’s routing logic, making your code more modular and easier to maintain.

"router": {
  "endpoint": [
    "middleware name" or ["module name", "middleware name"]

Service Configuration

In the context of Express.js, an Express handler is a function that processes HTTP requests and sends back a response. In mikrocms we refer to this as a service, which is used to manage incoming requests and control how the server responds.

"service": [
    "router": "endpoint of router" or ["module name", "endpoint of router"],
    "handler": {
      "endpoint": {
        "HTTP Method": require("path_to_service_file")

Service file:

function ({ env, model, locale, middleware }) {
  return [
    // all handler methods

Public Configuration

These files are directly accessible by the client (e.g., web browsers) without any server-side processing.

Configuration format:

"public": {
  "endpoint": {
    "middleware": [
      "middleware name" or ["module name", "middleware name"]
    "path": "path_to_your_public_directories"

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The core of the mikrocms package







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