Behavioral and transcriptomic analysis of age-based polyethism in the pharaoh's ant (Monomorium pharaonis)
After filtering adaptor ( and low quality sequence (, concatenate results ( and assemble genome reference using ABYSS (, using a range of k-mers from 51 to 91. k=69 produced the longest N50, and was chosen for future work.
n n:500 n:N50 min N80 N50 N20 max sum
216388 42794 4628 500 5605 16262 36932 246554 283e6 contigs
207026 36001 3980 500 6743 18960 43332 246554 283.7e6 scaffolds
Map transcriptional data to the reference genome using tophat, and infer loci and isoforms using cufflinks ( and After merging all the libraries using cuffmerge, extract reference transcriptome using cufflink's gffread utility.
Now use to map reads to extracted loci, providing a genes to isoforms table based on cufflinks output. This produces files with counts, which are then collected ( and entered into a SQL database.
Mapping stats for rsem
id mapped percent library
MP11 4802838 33.73% age6
MP3 4670833 34.87% age3
MP5 5785570 38.60% age12
MP9 7269589 52.91% nurse
MP17 7767423 59.50% nurse
MP22 11480354 67.10% groom
MP21 9769906 69.22% troph
MP23 10854923 73.04% age18
MP1 10664516 77.03% age0
MP16 11809890 82.97% groom
MP20 14648253 83.64% age9
MP19 14522217 84.37% prot
MP7 11782737 85.74% troph
MP14 10697715 86.00% age18
MP8 12053556 86.29% age0
MP2 11246559 86.58% age3
MP10 10379494 86.64% age6
MP12 13243001 86.72% age15
MP4 12984328 86.74% carb
MP13 11114399 86.91% age15
MP24 16818668 86.98% prot
MP18 11041174 87.14% carb
MP6 12885559 87.29% age12
MP15 12227812 87.50% age9
Average: 74.9% +/- 17.5%
Blastx assembled transcriptome vs NR database with evalue 0.00001. Run blast2go on the blast results to obtain GO term annotations. These are collected ( and uploaded to a SQL database
First, we need to get just one locus for every isoform. For this, we just choose the longest transcript.
python > ref/longest_isoforms.fa
This produces 22385 loci.
Using longest_isoforms.fa conduct reciprocal best blast vs the S. invicta OGSv2.2.3 using blastx and and tblastn with evalue evalue 1e-10. These blast results (which were split into groups of 100 sequences for speed), can also be used to predict protein codeing genes using OrfPredictor:
#predict proteins using blast results
for i in *.fa ; do perl /apps/MikheyevU/sasha/ORFPredictor/ $i `basename $i .fa`.xml 1 both [email protected] 1e-10 `basename $i .fa`_prot.fa test; done
Parse blast data using to extract reciprocal best blast hits, and use to create fasta files containing the S. invicta and M. pharaonis homologs.
Run (parallelized by to create a codon alignment and compute dN/dS ratios using PAML.
A similar approach was used to find honeybee (Apis mellifera homologs), except OGSv1.0 was used and the evalue was relaxed to 1e-5.
monomorium.R contains all of the statistical analysis.
Used training set from Wasmannia and Vollenhovia for first pass. After the run was complete, extracted every prediction that had good transcriptional support
maker2zff -c 1 -e 1 -o 1
fathom genome.ann genome.dna -gene-stats > gene-stats.log 2>&1
fathom genome.ann genome.dna -validate > validate.log 2>&1
fathom genome.ann genome.dna -categorize 1000 > categorize.log 2>&1
fathom uni.ann uni.dna -export 1000 -plus > uni-plus.log 2>&1
# 3328 genes
mkdir params; cd params
forge ../export.ann ../export.dna > ../forge.log 2>&1
cd ..; vol params/ > mp.hmm
perl >
etraining --species=generic --stopCodonExcludedFromCDS=false 2> train.err
cat train.err | perl -pe 's/.*in sequence (\S+): .*/$1/' > badgenes.lst
# no bad genes 200 --species=ph --genome ../../../ref/Mp.fa --trainingset # 2673987 --cpus=12 --UTR=on --species=mph
augustus --species=vem >train_out.txt
grep -A 22 Evaluation train_out.txt