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A Symfony2 bundle that provides an enhanced Bootstrap Typeahead form type.

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This is a Symfony v2.1 Bundle that provides a Bootstrap Typeahead autocomplete widget for use in forms. An enhanced version of the Typeahead component is included that adds several new features and enhancements.

###Enhanced Typeahead Features###

  • Supports JSON objects
  • Caches results
  • Delays AJAX request to reduce server requests
  • Properly handles pasting via mouse
  • Includes an AJAX Loader icon


This example shows a form field that allows a single name to be entered.

Typeahead (single) Example

This example shows a form field that allows multiple names to be entered. Clicking on a name link removes the entity. The entity in the backend is actually an ArrayCollection and automatically allows adding/removing entities from the list.

Typeahead (multiple) Example

##How to install##

Note: This bundle requires jQuery and Bootstrap to be installed in your environment but does not include them directly. I suggest using the mopa/bootstrap-bundle which can help with this for you.

  • Add lifo/typeahead-bundle to your projects composer.json "requires" section:
    // ...
    "require": {
        // ...
        "lifo/typeahead-bundle": "dev-master"
  • Run php composer.phar update lifo/typeahead-bundle in your project root.
  • Update your project app/AppKernel.php file and add this bundle to the $bundles array:
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new Lifo\TypeaheadBundle\LifoTypeaheadBundle(),
  • Update your project app/config.yml file to provide global twig form templates:
            - 'LifoTypeaheadBundle:Form:fields.html.twig'
  • Update your site twig template to initialize the typeahead javascript. There are two options here.

    • In your template add the following twig function call anywhere:
    {{ lifo_typeahead_init() }}
    • Or, if you want to combine the javascript with your main site using assetic you can do something like this:
    {% block javascripts %}
        {% javascripts filter='?yui_js' output='js/site.js'
            <script src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
        {% endjavascripts %}
    {% endblock %}
    • (Optional) Add LifoTypeaheadBundle to your app/config/config.yml. This is only required if you want to include the typeahead javascript as part of your main site JS using assetic.
        bundles: [ 'LifoTypeaheadBundle' ]

##How to use##

Using the typeahead control is extremely simple. The available options are outlined below:

$builder->add('user', 'entity_typeahead', array(
    'class' => 'MyBundle:User',
    'render' => 'username',
    'route' => 'user_list',
  • Required Options
    • class is your entity class.
    • render is the property of your entity to display in the autocomplete menu.
    • route is the name of the route to fetch entities from. The controller matching the route will receive the following parameters via POST:
      • query The query string to filter results by.
      • limit The maximum number of results to return.
  • Optional Options
    • route_params Extra parameters to pass to the route.
    • minLength Minimum characters needed before firing AJAX request.
    • items Maximum items to display at once (default: 8)
    • delay Delay in milliseconds before firing AJAX (default: 250)
    • loadingIconUrl Image icon to display during AJAX request.
    • multiple If true the widget will allow multiple entities to be selected. One at a time. This special mode creates an unordered list below the typeahead widget to display the selected entities.
    • callback Callback function (or string) that is called when an item is selected. Prototype: function(text, data) where text is the label of the selected item and data is the JSON object returned by the server.

###AJAX Response### The controller should return a JSON array in the following format. Note: id and value properties are required and you may include any other properties that can potentially be used within the template.

  { id: 1, value: 'Displayed Text 1' },
  { id: 2, value: 'Displayed Text 2' }


Your form template might look something like this (The screenshots above used this template bit). Note: The widget_addon attribute is a mopa/bootstrap-bundle attribute.

{{ form_row( }}
{{ form_row(form.owner, { attr: { placeholder: 'Search for user ...'}, widget_addon: {type: 'append', 'icon': 'user'}}) }}
{{ form_row(form.users, { attr: { placeholder: 'Add another user ...'}, widget_addon: {type: 'append', 'icon': 'user'}}) }}


This bundle renders its form elements in standard Symfony style. You will have to override the form blocks to get the proper Bootstrap styles applied. I strongly suggest something like mopa/bootstrap-bundle that will override the symfony form templates with proper Bootstrap versions automatically for you.


A Symfony2 bundle that provides an enhanced Bootstrap Typeahead form type.






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  • JavaScript 54.6%
  • PHP 45.4%