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Quick Setting Up Of Development

  • yarn install
  • yarn start

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Getting Started

In the following sections you will learn all you need to know to run the Poolbase DApp locally.


  • You need to use Node > v6
  • You need to use npm 4.x, or npm >= 5.3, or yarn to correctly install the dependencies.


OSX and Linux

  1. From the desired directory you wish to copy the "poolbase-www" folder with source files to.
    git clone {paste your repo link here}
    NOTE: Please use develop branch for contributing.
    git clone -b develop {paste repo link here}
  2. Change directories to poolbase-www:
    cd poolbase-www
  3. Make sure you have NodeJS (v8.4.0 or higher) and npm (5.4.1 or higher) installed.
  4. Install dependencies from within poolbase-www directory:
    npm install
  5. That is it, you are now ready to run the poolbase dapp! Head to the Run DApp section for further instructions.


  1. Make sure you have the LTS version of 64-bit NodeJS (v8.9.1)
  2. Run the node-v8.9.1-x64.msi installer and then continue through the installation as normal. Be sure to have the "Enable in PATH" option enabled before installing.
  3. Open the command line in administrator mode by right clicking on the cmd.exe application and selecting "Run as administrator"
  4. In the administrator command prompt, change to the directory where you want to store this repository.
    cd C:\some\directory\for\repositories
  5. Update npm to the latest version (in order to make sure the next step has the latest dependencies to install) with:
    npm install npm@latest -g
  6. You must install the NodeJS/NPM dependcies for Windows before you are able to continue. This command will take a few minutes to install all of the necessary dependencies for building NodeJS applications on Windows.
    npm install -g windows-build-tools
  7. Install dependencies from within poolbase-www directory:
    npm install
  8. For some reason the npm node-sass package does not install correctly in windows when using the 'npm install' command, so you must rebuild the node-sass package with:
    npm rebuild node-sass
  9. The web3 package does not install correctly when using the 'npm install' command, so you must install it separately in order for this dapp to run. Use the following to install web3:
    npm install web3
  10. That is it, you are now ready to run the poolbase dapp! Head to the Run dapp section for further instructions.


  1. The Poolbase dapp will need to connect to a poolbase-api feathers server. Follow the poolbase-api readme instructions to install and run server before proceeding further. Alternatively, you could change the configuration to connect to the develop environment, see the Configuration section.
  2. Start the dapp.
    npm start
  3. Once the dapp is up in your browser, click "Sign In" from the main menu.


npm run build

NOTE: due to a bug in Safari create-react-app's output does not work in Safari (and any iPhone browser) To fix this:

cd /node_modules/giveth-react-scripts/config open go to line 300, and add:

  mangle: {
    safari10: true,

now the build will work in Safari


The DApp has several node environment variables which can be used to alter the DApp behaviour without changing the code. You can set them through .env or .env.local files.

Variable name Default Value Description
PORT 3010 Port on which the DApp runs
REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT 'localhost' To which feathers environment should the DApp connect. By default it connects to localhost feathers. Allowed values are: localhost, develop, production. See Deployment Environments.
REACT_APP_DECIMALS 8 How many decimal should be shown for ETH values. Note that the calculations are still done with 18 decimals.
REACT_APP_FEATHERJS_CONNECTION_URL Differs per REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT Overwrites the environment injected feathers connection URL.
REACT_APP_ETH_NODE_CONNECTION_URL Differs per REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT Overwrites the ethereum node connection URL for making ethereum transactions.
REACT_APP_POOL_FACTORY_ADDRESS Differs per REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT Overwrites the Pool factory address.
REACT_APP_BLOCKEXPLORER Differs per REACT_APP_ENVIRONMENT Overwrites the block explorer base URL such as etherscan. The DApp assumes such blockexplorer api is \<BLOCKEXPLORER\>/tx/\<TRANSACTION_HASH\>

Example of .env.local file that makes the DApp run on port 8080, connects to the develop environment and uses custom blockexplorer:



Pooling dApp written in React






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