- Flow-Composed Implicit Runge-Kutta 16th order (implementation in C language)
- Experiments are provided in Jupyter Notebooks interfaced via Julia
We present a C implementation of a 16th order Flow-Composed Implicit Runge-Kutta integrator FCIRK16 appropiate for the numerical integration of the Solar System, or other systems with near-Keplerian motions.
where is considered as a perturbation, and the unperturbed system
can be solved exactly for any initial value.
We do all of our development in Ubuntu. You can install FCIRK16 application but previously, you must install some C specific libraries.
We use some specifics libraries that you must be installed:
(1) uuid-dev
(2) quadmath library
Quad-Precision Math Library Application Programming Interface (API). https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libquadmath/#toc-Typedef-and-constants-1
(3) mpfr library
MPFR is a portable library written in C for arbitrary precision arithmetic on floating-point numbers. The MPFR library is already installed on some GNU/Linux distributions and “How to Install” instructions, are explained in “GNU MPFR” manual.
(4) OpenMP Application Programming Interface
OpenMP API for parallelism in C, C++ and Fortran programs. Most of Compilers support Open API. http://www.openmp.org
- libFCIRKDOUBLE.so, libFCIRKLONG.so and libFCIRKQuad.so
$ make -s -C ./Code/C/Code-Binary/
- libCBinary.so: binary format files read/write functions
$ make -s -C ./Code/C/Code-FCIRK/
(1) Julia: Julia 1.5.3 version (Nov 9, 2020) (http://julialang.org).
(2) Jupyter: we build our experiments on Jupyter notebooks (an open source tool for interative computing) and calling to FCIRK solver using Julia programming language
We consider a Newtonian point-mass 16-body model of the Solar System applied with Heliocentric Canonical Coordinates for all bodies except Geocentric Coordinates for the Moon. It includes:
- the Sun, the eight planets, Pluto,
- the Moon as a separate body, and
- the five main bodies of the asteroid belt (Ceres, Pallas, Vesta, Iris and Bamberga),
We consider the initial values at Julian day (TDB) 2440400.5 (the 28th of June of 1969) from DE430 Ephemerides, renormalized so that the center of mass of the 16 bodies is at rest
To solve this numerically, we define a problem type by giving it the equation of perturbation part (see file: Problems.c):
void DRR2 (int neq, val_type t,val_type *u,val_type *dR,parameters *params)
< CODE >
return ;
Define the problem giving initial conditions and the timespan to solve over
(u0,k,Gm)= Initial_Values_N16()
The solution is returned in an binary format file
First, you must read the solution using Readbin() function and convert it to barycentric coordinates:
setprecision(BigFloat, 256)
ΔE = map(x->NBodyHam(neq,BigFloat.(x),BigFloat.(Gm)), u)./E0.-1