Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in both men and women that afflicts 225,500 people a year in the United States. Nearly 1 out of 4 cancer deaths are from lung cancer, more than colon, breast, and prostate cancers combined. Early detection of the cancer can allow for early treatment which significantly increases the chances of survival. This project creates an algorithm that automatically detects candidate nodules and predicts the probability that the lung will be diagnosed with cancer within 1 year of the CT scans. The algorithm is summarized by the following framework:
- anaconda3
- Python 3.4
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- dicom,
$sudo pip install dicom
-, included and is required to be in place of root directory with the notebooks
- h5py
$sudo pip install h5py
LIDC-IDRI dataset
- Images (DICOM, 124GB)
- DICOM Metadata Digest (CSV)
- Nodule Size List
Kaggle Data Science Bowl 2017 Dataset
- stage1.7z (DICOM, 67GB)
- 1ProcessNoduleDataset.ipynb
- Inputs: LIDC dataset (DOI folder), list3_2.csv, LIDC-IDRI_MetaData.csv
- Outputs: noduleimages.npy, nodulemasks.npy
- 2TrainUnet.ipynb
- Inputs: noduleimages.npy, nodulemasks.npy
- Outputs: unet-weights-improvement.hdf5
- 3ClassifyNodulesLIDC.ipynb
- Inputs: LIDC dataset (DOI folder), list3_2.csv, LIDC-IDRI_MetaData.csv, unet-weights-improvement.hdf5
- Outputs: truenodule-cnn-weights-improvement.hdf5
- 4DetectNodules.ipynb
- Inputs: unet-weights-improvement.hdf5, truenodule-cnn-weights-improvement.hdf5, Kaggle DSB2017 dataset (stage1 folder)
- Outputs: DSBNoduleImages*.npy, DSBNoduleMasks*.npy, DSBPatientNoduleIndex*.csv
- 5CancerPredictionClassifiers.ipynb
- Inputs: DSBPatientNoduleIndex*.csv
- 6CancerPredictionCNN.ipynb
- Inputs: DSBNoduleImages*.npy, DSBNoduleMasks*.npy, DSBPatientNoduleIndex*.csv
*Split into a series of files due to large memory requirements
Mike Huang, [email protected]