Would you like to collect, perhaps, useless statistics about something? @StatSneezeBot can help in this.
This bot can store data about your sneezes and visualize it on map. It can be useful to detect allergic-dangerous, viral or pepper in the air places. Or probably you have passion to collect different, perhaps useless, iformation about smth.
- /help
def helpme(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, config.HELP_TEXT, parse_mode='HTML') # Help text is contained in config.py
- /start
def start(message):
if exist("pickles/{}.pickle".format(get_key(message.chat.id))): # use piclkes file instead database
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "You have already started")
location[get_key(message.chat.id)] = [[0]] # initialize
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "Hi. I'm a bot that collect sneezes statistics")
helpme(message) # send command description
keyboard = types.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(row_width=1, resize_keyboard=True) # button class
button_geo = types.KeyboardButton(text="SNEEZED!! !", request_location=True) # button
keyboard.add(button_geo) # create button
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "Tap when sneezed", reply_markup=keyboard) # add button
- /sneeze
def sneeze(message):
user_key = get_key(message.chat.id) # get_key return hash string from user id
if (get_key(message.chat.id) not in location.keys()): # load last 5 location
location[user_key] = pickle_load(user_key)[-5:] # it is need if program will failed
location[user_key].append([location[user_key][-1][0] + 1, 'None', 'None', message.date])
# add sneeze count
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, "Bless you! It's your {} sneezes".format(str(location[user_key][-1][0])))
pickle_dump(user_key, location[get_key(message.chat.id)][-1]) # after recording rewrite to pickles
location[user_key] = pickle_load(user_key)[-5:]
if location[user_key][-1][0] % 10 == 0 :
bot.send_sticker(message.chat.id, config.PLANTAIN_STICK) #send podorojnik sticker
- /location
def locat(message):
location[user_key].append([location[user_key][-1][0] + 1, message.location.longitude, \
message.location.latitude, message.date]) # add sneeze count
- /getgeo
I use googlemaps for transforming coordinate location to street name
Implentation of this contain in processing.py (coord_to_md function).
# get last 5 sneezes location
def getgeo(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, coord_to_md(pickle_load(get_key(message.chat.id))[-5:]), parse_mode='HTML') # coord md return html-like text with location
- /getall
# get all data
def getall(message):
bot.send_message(message.chat.id, coord_to_md(pickle_load(get_key(message.chat.id))), parse_mode='HTML')
- Visualizing location for user (done)
- Heatmap (sneezes-warning places)