Red Hat serverless has three components, these are build, serving and events. Build is a plugable model for building artifacts like jar, files, zip or containers from source code. Serving is an event-driven model that serves the container with your application and can “scale to zero”. Events are the common infrastructure for consuming and producing events that will stimulate the application. For this lab, we will focus on building and serving only.
- OCP 4.5 installed with 3 Masters and some worker nodes.
- Machinesets are configured to allow node scaling.
- A working Service Mesh operator deployed.
Deploy service mesh and the required components in your OCP 4.5 cluster (Make sure you are selecting the Red Hat supported operator). These operators needs to be deployed on istio-system namespace.
a. Jaeger b. Elastic Search c. Kiali d. Openshift Service Mesh
Once Service mesh and the required components are installed, you now need to deploy the service mesh control plane. The service control plane needs to be deployed in istio-system namespace. $ oc new-project istio-system
Deploy Service Mesh control plane to the newly created namespace istio-system.
a. Wait until the control plane pods are completely created before going to the next steps. Below are the pods that you need expect once service control plane deployment is completed.
- This steps is optional - but you can test your service mesh deployment using this sample app from Istio website -
Login as cluster-admin to your OCP 4.5 cluster
Navigate to Operator Hub and select Serverless Operator (by Red Hat) to install the operator.
Create a namespace and name it knative-serving. This is the name-space that we will use to deploy knativeserving instance using the serverless operator
$oc new-project knative-serving
Deploy knative-native serving on the knative-serving namespace.
$oc new-project knative-serving
Note to wait for the pods to be created before proceeding to the next steps. You should see something like below.
$ oc get pods -n knative-serving
activator-78fb847596-kl8lp 1/1 Running 1 17h
activator-78fb847596-q5c8t 1/1 Running 1 17h
autoscaler-56d9fd956f-gc9fj 1/1 Running 2 17h
autoscaler-hpa-68f6b9ddd4-4h5ph 1/1 Running 0 17h
autoscaler-hpa-68f6b9ddd4-vrd2j 1/1 Running 0 17h
controller-6cd8bc875b-hqqr8 1/1 Running 0 17h
controller-6cd8bc875b-hxsl4 1/1 Running 0 17h
kn-cli-downloads-5f555d9cf4-gw8fb 1/1 Running 0 17h
webhook-684c455fd8-zs97d 1/1 Running 0 17h
- Once all knative-serving pods are running, you can deploy an application. There are many ways of doing this and we will go through those samples in the next section.
As a requirements for this demo, first you need install kn
commandline on your computer -
$ wget
$ tar -xvf kn-linux-amd64-0.14.0.tar.gz
Verify the installation
$ kn version
Version: v0.14.0
Build Date: 2020-06-25 16:32:56
Git Revision: 5235b55
Supported APIs:
* Serving
- (knative-serving v0.14.0)
* Eventing
- (knative-eventing v0.14.1)
- (knative-eventing v0.14.1
There are more than one way you can deploy a serverless application. These are using the following.
Using the usual yaml file.
apiVersion: kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: serverless-demo spec: template: spec: containers: - image: env: - name: TARGET value: "Go Sample v1"
Using knative commandline
kn service create event-display-kn --image danielon30/quarkus-serverless:latest
Using OCP Developers perspective UI: With the developers perspective UI, you can deploy apps via
,container image
or fromCatalog
Now that we know the different way of deploying a serverless application, let's start deploy a simple helloworld golang application.
Create a namespace for the sample app that you will deploy - In this example I will use serverless-demo
$ oc new-project serverless-demo
Deploy sample go hello world application. Below is the example code. Let’s call this service.yaml
apiVersion: kind: Service metadata: name: helloworld-go namespace: serverless-demo spec: template: spec: containers: - image: env: - name: TARGET value: "Go Sample v1"
Instantiate the application using the below command.
$ oc apply -f service.yaml -n serverless-demo created
Wait until the container is created.
$ oc get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE helloworld-go-2mj2m-deployment-5b5999d699-2dwwv 0/2 ContainerCreating 0 8s
Once the container is created, go to the developer console and select topology and check the status of your application. If it is successfully deployed using knative resource type, then you should see something like below:
- In this view, you can see the following: - Resources of the application that you just deployed. - Routes of the application - The pods that was created by the deployment - The revisions where you can set traffic distribution. - Overall information that includes, labels, anotations, name of the application and the owner of the applications.
- To verify further, go to Serverless Tab on your admin console and check the services, revisions and routes. In the routes provided, you can access your sample application.
- To test the serverless application, you can hit the routes provided and verify the status of the pods going to the developer console to see the status of the pod being re-created. This is now the point where you have successfully deploy an application that can scale down to 0 and bring it back up again once the expose url is hit by a request.
How about we explore the serverless serving a little bit? First, lets find the serverless ingress gateway's public address
$oc -n knative-serving-ingress get svc kourier NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kourier LoadBalancer 80:32479/TCP,443:30946/TCP 24h
Then using
command line, let us display the knative services$ kn service list NAME URL LATEST AGE CONDITIONS READY REASON event-display event-display-kthvp 9h 3 OK / 3 True
Now that your simple serverless application is actually working and has an ability to scale up and down (most importantly it can scale to 0), we now need to see how we can split the traffic to go lang application.
We will do this using commandline and developers perspective UI.
Any new change in the code or the service configuration triggers a revision, a snapshot of the code at a given time. For a service, you can manage the traffic between the revisions of the service by splitting and routing it to the different revisions as required.
Let's update the helloworld-go application
$ kn service update helloworld-go --env RESPONSE="Hello OpenShift!" Updating Service 'helloworld-go' in namespace 'aserverlessdemo': 4.128s Ready to serve. Service 'helloworld-go' updated to latest revision 'helloworld-go-gngxv-5' is available at URL:
Then let's describe the serverless service itself using
command. Notice an additional revision highlighted below.$ kn service describe helloworld-go Name: helloworld-go Namespace: aserverlessdemo Age: 9h URL: Revisions: *+ helloworld-go-gngxv-5 (current @latest) [3] (5m)* Image: (at 5ea96b) 100% helloworld-go-vgcgh-2 #rev1 [2] (9h) Image: (at 5ea96b) Conditions: OK TYPE AGE REASON ++ Ready 5m
Since we already have updated the application and a new revision was created + helloworld-go-gngxv-5 (current @latest) [3] (5m) we are now ready to split the traffic. We can do this using commandline or developer perspective UI.
Using Developers Perspective UI:
*Using Command Line
kn service update helloworld-go --traffic @latest=10 --traffic helloworld-go-gngxv-5=50
When we talk about Serverless Eventing, we need to understand what is Knative Eventing. Knative Eventing on OpenShift Container Platform enables developers to use an event-driven architecture with serverless applications. An event-driven architecture is based on the concept of decoupled relationships between event producers that create events, and event sinks, or consumers, that receive them In OpenShift, Knative Eventing uses standard HTTP POST requests to send and receive events between event producers and consumers.
The figure below, show the event-driven application architecture for direct connection of event source to sink bin (knative service/application).
This architecture works well, but what if you have multiple sources of event that you need to filter? There is another way of doing this and this is either via channel & subscription
or brokers and triggers
In this demo, we will just use the direct connection of event-source to sink bin (knative service/application). We will do this both via command line and use OpenShift Developers UI as well.
- You have Knative Serving and Eventing installed.
- You have an installed
command line tool.
Let's start!
Create a new project for eventing demo.
$oc new-project aserverlessdemo-eventing
List all available sources using
. You can see in the list below the different source type. In this demo we will use source list-types TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION ApiServerSource Watch and send Kubernetes API events to a sink ApiServerSource Watch and send Kubernetes API events to a sink ContainerSource CronJobSource *PingSource Send periodically ping events to a sink* SinkBinding Binding for connecting a PodSpecable to a sink SinkBinding Binding for connecting a PodSpecable to a sink
To verify that the
is working, create a simple Knative service that dumps incoming messages to the service’s logs. For the sake of this demo, I will be deploying a simple application.$ kn service create event-display --image
You should see an output similar to below:
Creating service 'event-display' in namespace 'aserverlessdemo':
0.195s The Route is still working to reflect the latest desired specification.
0.292s Configuration "event-display" is waiting for a Revision to become ready.
7.264s ...
7.393s Ingress has not yet been reconciled.
8.112s Ready to serve.
Service 'event-display' created to latest revision 'event-display-jcppt-1' is available at URL:
We then need to create a
Sink Binding
in the same namespace as the event consumerevent-display
. The command below will instantiate a sink binding called bind-hearbeat$ kn source binding create bind-heartbeat --subject Job:batch/v1:app=heartbeat-cron --sink svc:event-display Sink binding 'bind-heartbeat' created in namespace 'aserverlessdemo'
We then need to create a cronjob. This will trigger an event based on the scheduled cronjob. Copy below to
fileapiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: heartbeat-cron spec: spec: # Run every minute schedule: "* * * * *" jobTemplate: metadata: labels: app: heartbeat-cron spec: template: spec: restartPolicy: Never containers: - name: single-heartbeat image: args: - --period=1 env: - name: ONE_SHOT value: "true" - name: POD_NAME valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: - name: POD_NAMESPACE valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: metadata.namespace
Then apply this cronjob to instantiate the cronjob.
$ oc apply -f cron.yaml cronjob.batch/heartbeat-cron created
Verify the sourcebinding.
$ kn source binding describe bind-heartbeat
You should expect similar output as below.
Name: bind-heartbeat Namespace: aserverlessdemo Annotations:, Age: 1m Subject: Resource: Job (batch/v1) Selector: app: heartbeat-cron Sink: Name: event-display Resource: Service ( Conditions: OK TYPE AGE REASON ++ Ready 1m
Wait and verify until SinkBinding (SBS) pods is created.
$ oc get pods
You should expect similar output below.
NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE event-display-jcppt-1-deployment-7494c6cfbb-fwv4z 2/2 Running 0 6s heartbeat-cron-1601453760-4tg5d 0/1 Completed 0 26s
You can verify that the Kubernetes events were sent to the Knative event sink by looking at the message dumper function logs.
$ oc logs $(oc get pod -o name | grep event-display) -c user-container
You should expect similar output below.
☁️ cloudevents.Event Validation: valid Context Attributes, specversion: 1.0 type: dev.knative.eventing.samples.heartbeat source: id: 8bd109e1-0277-4cef-bc07-9033a3f7207f time: 2020-09-30T08:16:24.684270341Z datacontenttype: application/json Extensions, beats: true heart: yes the: 42 Data, { "id": 1, "label": "" }
Or you can verify via OpenShift Developers perspective UI.
With OpenShift Serverless capabilities that include Serving and Eventing as shown in this demo, you now can deploy any programming language of your choice and enable auto-scaling behavior, scaling up to meet demand and down even to zero. This is possible because of OpenShift Serverless Serving feature. Serving enables the deployment of applications and functions as serverless containers.
With Eventing and beyond the auto-scaling behavior (scale down to zero), Serverless eventing can use triggers from variety of sources and recieved events from Cronjob schedule as shown in this demo and other possible event sources such us Kafka messages, file upload to Storage as well as third party event sources like Salesforce, Service Now, E-mail, etc… powered by Camel-K
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