pip install -e .
Install custom Robot FW runner (virtual env recommended):
python utils\patch_robot.py runners\runner.py
Run task script. The tool assumes that graphml file with the same name exists together with Robot FW file:
robot --rpa test\demo1.robot
Use yED editor to edit flow charts. Save them in graphml format. Robot FW script should contain task cases with exact same names as in flow chart.
Note: Currently flow chart cannot contain multiple items with the same name.
Note: Decision branches rely on ${OUTPUT} variable. It must be set to True or False.
Help is available for sub-commands
robot_flow --help
robot_flow get-tests --help
Get tests/tasks from Robot FW file.
robot_flow get-tests test.robot
Get tests/tasks from GRAPHML file, with optional verbosity:
robot_flow list-graph task.graphml -v
Listeners are defined in listeners directory.
To slow down operation, delay (s) between executed keywords can be defined:
robot --listener Pauser:5 test/
Get available tests:
robot_flow get-tests test/test.robot > tests.txt
(modify test list file by changing order, duplicating items, removing items)
Run updated test case list:
robot --listener Modifier:"tests.txt" test/