A pipeline to predict type I PKSs protein order in polyketide biosynthetic assembly lines.
PKSpop comprises three main steps to infer protein order:
- Identify class memberships for query docking domains and align the sequences
- Pair each class I Ndd with all class I Cdds and use Ouroboros to predict the interaction probability for each pair. The probabilities are filled into a matrix
- Infer the protein order by a greedy probability matrix-filling method which takes the assembly line constraints and compatibility class into account.
python PKSpop/code/run_analysis.py input_json_file.json
The input of PKSpop is a JSON file which contains following informaion:
- gbk_path: path where the antiSMASH
file of the query PKS gene cluster - protein_id: list of identifiers of query proteins whose order will be predicted
- id_category: the category of the protein identifiers: "gene", "protein_id" or "locus_tag"
- result_path: path where result will be saved
- Ouroboros_path: path to Ouroboros repositry
- Ouroboros_int_frac: list of
parameter of Ouroboros with default[0.9, 0.8]
. It is recommended to add number below 0.8 if there are more than 10 query proteins. - n_repeat: number of repeat time to run Ouroboros with each
parameter An example can be found indata/test
The prediction results are in result_path/output/
- prediction_result.txt gives the predicted order
- int_prob_mtx.csv is the pairwise interaction probabilities matrix of query proteins predicted by Ouroboros
- int_prob_mtx.png show the interaction probabilities matrix
Additional files used in prediction process:
- dd_raw.fasta is the raw sequences extracted from the input
file - dd_class_*.fasta is the sequences pf 3 compatibility classes
- dd_hmmscan_oupt.txt is the result of hmmscan, which contains the class information of the sequences
- dd_class_1_aln.afa is the aligned class 1 sequences
- dd_class_1.afa is the conserved region on the aligned sequences
- dd_class_1_paired.afa is the paired sequences of all query proteins
- dd_class_1_ouro_inpt.fasta is the fasta file that input into Ouroboros
- Ouroboros_class_1_ouro_inpt_soft_warm is the Ouroboros' output
This project is licensed under the BSD-3 license. See the LICENSE file for details.
PKSpop requires Python 3.6+. The following tools should be installed/downloaded before running PKSpop: