This demo shows how to run an Apple MIDI Service
You should be able to connect to the WIFI Interface with your computer.
E.g. MacOS: in Audio/MIDI Config, MIDI Window:
- press Network Configuration button
- announce the IP of your ESP32 device (we use port number 5004 by default)
- push the "Connect" button
The demo will just loopback incoming MIDI messages.
E.g. you could pick up a MIDI port to which a MIDI keyboard is connected under "Live Routings", send some notes and observe the loopbacked events on a MIDI monitor.
Re-usable component is located under components/applemidi - please see the for programmers there.
WIFI credentials have to be configured the first time you are launching this application.
Open a terminal connected to the UART of your device, you could enter "help" to get a list of available commands.
For WIFI configuration, enter:
- wifi_join <ssid> <password>
- wifi_store
The next time the device will be started, the stored credentials will be taken automatically and a connection should take place immediately.
use "applemidi_info" to display some details about the connections. Up to 4 independent connections are supported
use "applemidi_debug on" to send more debug messages. Note that higher verbosity might result into packet lost since the printf() messages delay processing!
use "applemidi_start_session <ip>" to initiate an own session. A different port can be specified with --port=, 5004 is used by default.
Please optimize the app configuration with " menuconfig":
- Compiler Options->Optimization Level: set to -Os (Release)
- Component Config->ESP32 Specific: set Minimum Supported ESP32 Revision to 1 (if you have a newer device...)
- Component Config->ESP32 Specific: set CPU frequency to 240 MHz
- Component Config->FreeRTOS: set Tick rate (Hz) to 1000