New feature
New metadata API (#967 )
New text feature: auto hyphen (#1001 )
New list feature: auto format numbered and bullet list (#1000 )
Add target parameter to createLink API (#966 )
Add attributes parameter to insertImage API (#968 #972 #973 )
Leverage metadata API for table format (#977 )
Remove deprecated colors when paste (#978 )
Allow return null in UndoSnapshotService.move() (#991 )
Support hotkey for clearing format (#992 )
Support additional hotkey for Undo (#997 )
Support resize image on mobile and custom resize handle style (#988 )
Bug fixes
Preserve table selection when no need to clear it (#970 )
Better handle empty new line text node when apply format (#974 )
Better handle SUB and SUP tags when apply format (#979 )
Add some log to SelectionBlockScoper to help troubleshooting (#971 )
Fix a run time script error in TableCellSelection (#984 )
Add null check during to editor instance in extractClipboardEvent callbacks (#998 )
Fix the table selector when it is scrolled out (#1005 )
Add compitable enum support for PluginEventTypes (#1009 )
Interface changes
New parameter of function getBrowserInfo
vendor: The vendor string of a browser
New method of VList class
setListSTyleType: Change list style of the given range of this list.
New method of VListItem class
applyListStyle: Apply the list style type
New metadata types and API
DefinitionType: Types of definitions, used by Definition type
DefinitionBase: Base type of all definitions
ArrayItemType: A utility type to get item type of array
ObjectPropertyDefinition: Child type of object definition
StringDefinition, NumberDefinition, BooleanDefinition, ArrayDefinition, ObjectDefinition, , CustomizeDefintion: Known types of definitions
Definition: A union of all known types of definitions
validate: To validate a given object with a type definition object
createNumberDefinition, createBooleanDefinition, createStringDefinition, createStringDefinition, createArrayDefinition, createObjectDefinition: Create definition objects for the specified types
getMetadata: Get metadata from a DOM element and validate it
setMetadata: Validate a metadata and set to DOM element
removeMetadata: Remove existing metadata from a DOM element if exists
New parameter of createLink API
target: Display target for the link ("_blank"|"_self"|"_parent"|"_top"|"{framename}")
New parameter of insertImage API
attributes: Image element attributes
New parameter of toggleBullet, toggleNumbering API and toggleListType API:
listStyle: The style of the bullet list. If not defined, the style will be set to disc.
New member of Browser object:
isMobileOrTablet: Whether current browser is on mobile or a tablet
New experimental features
AutoFormatList: Trigger formatting by a especial characters. Ex: (A), 1. i).
AutoHyphen: Automatically transform -- into hyphen, if typed between two words.
New list style types:
NumberingListType: Enum used to control the different types of numbering list
BulletListType: Enum used to control the different types of bullet list
New parameter of ImageEdit constructor:
onShowResizeHandle: An optional callback to allow customize resize handle element of image resizing.
Other types to help customize image resize handle
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