Build #20231104.3 failed
- Failed: 0 (0.00%)
- Passed: 5,424 (94.96%)
- Other: 288 (5.04%)
- Total: 5,712
Check failure on line 193 in onnxruntime\contrib_ops\cuda\bert\group_query_attention_helper.h
azure-pipelines / Windows GPU CI Pipeline
onnxruntime\contrib_ops\cuda\bert\group_query_attention_helper.h(193,50): Error C2220: the following warning is treated as an error
Check failure on line 8272 in Build log
azure-pipelines / Windows GPU CI Pipeline
Build log #L8272
Process 'msbuild.exe' exited with code '1'.
Check failure on line 193 in onnxruntime\contrib_ops\cuda\bert\group_query_attention_helper.h
azure-pipelines / Windows GPU CI Pipeline
onnxruntime\contrib_ops\cuda\bert\group_query_attention_helper.h(193,50): Error C2220: the following warning is treated as an error
Check failure on line 8720 in Build log
azure-pipelines / Windows GPU CI Pipeline
Build log #L8720
Process 'msbuild.exe' exited with code '1'.