fix warning and lint #23116
reviewdog [misspell] report
reported by reviewdog 🐶
Findings (0)
Filtered Findings (442)
tools/ci_build/|100 col 38| "marshalling" is a misspelling of "marshaling"
tools/ci_build/github/windows/install_third_party_deps.ps1|4 col 62| "spectre" is a misspelling of "specter"
tools/ci_build/github/linux/|59 col 19| "licence" is a misspelling of "license"
tools/ci_build/github/azure-pipelines/web-ci-pipeline.yml|38 col 41| "varaibles" is a misspelling of "variables"
tools/ci_build/github/azure-pipelines/npm-packaging-pipeline.yml|13 col 41| "varaibles" is a misspelling of "variables"
tools/ci_build/|656 col 82| "targetting" is a misspelling of "targeting"
tools/ci_build/|2485 col 52| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/bert/|285 col 5| "calcualte" is a misspelling of "calculate"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/bert/|144 col 54| "toghether" is a misspelling of "together"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/bert/|151 col 27| "agressive" is a misspelling of "aggressive"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/bert/tensorrt_fused_multihead_attention/cross_attention/fmha_cross_attention.h|44 col 63| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/bert/tensorrt_fused_multihead_attention/cross_attention/fmha_cross_attention.h|72 col 63| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/math/cufft_plan_cache.h|37 col 5| "contenst" is a misspelling of "contents"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/math/cufft_plan_cache.h|54 col 5| "contenst" is a misspelling of "contents"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/math/|90 col 48| "dimention" is a misspelling of "dimension"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cuda/collective/sharding_spec.h|40 col 9| "proccess" is a misspelling of "process"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cpu/attnlstm/|60 col 26| "calulated" is a misspelling of "calculated"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cpu/attnlstm/deep_cpu_attn_lstm.h|22 col 7| "equivilent" is a misspelling of "equivalent"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cpu/|56 col 51| "containes" is a misspelling of "contains"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cpu/|70 col 102| "optimising" is a misspelling of "optimizing"
onnxruntime/contrib_ops/cpu/transformers/sampling_cpu_helper.h|155 col 18| "presense" is a misspelling of "presence"
onnxruntime/test/platform/android/|30 col 26| "omited" is a misspelling of "omitted"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|269 col 34| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|270 col 40| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|355 col 82| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|392 col 82| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|431 col 82| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|470 col 82| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|524 col 82| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/contrib_ops/|581 col 84| "lenghts" is a misspelling of "lengths"
onnxruntime/test/framework/|142 col 53| "optimising" is a misspelling of "optimizing"
onnxruntime/test/framework/|174 col 54| "optimising" is a misspelling of "optimizing"
onnxruntime/test/framework/|668 col 49| "corretly" is a misspelling of "correctly"
onnxruntime/test/framework/|1228 col 106| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/fuzzing/src/test.cpp|368 col 75| "preceeding" is a misspelling of "preceding"
onnxruntime/test/fuzzing/include/BetaDistribution.h|86 col 43| "probabilty" is a misspelling of "probability"
onnxruntime/test/fuzzing/include/BetaDistribution.h|140 col 18| "probabilty" is a misspelling of "probability"
onnxruntime/test/testdata/transform/model_parallel/|10 col 14| "attension" is a misspelling of "attention"
onnxruntime/test/testdata/transform/model_creation_for_testing.ipynb|312 col 86| "overriden" is a misspelling of "overridden"
onnxruntime/test/python/quantization/|90 col 36| "guaranted" is a misspelling of "guaranteed"
onnxruntime/test/python/transformers/|50 col 36| "centre" is a misspelling of "center"
onnxruntime/test/python/|176 col 49| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
onnxruntime/test/python/|57 col 8| "Mutliple" is a misspelling of "Multiple"
onnxruntime/test/shared_lib/|1364 col 6| "accomodate" is a misspelling of "accommodate"
onnxruntime/test/shared_lib/|1414 col 6| "accomodate" is a misspelling of "accommodate"
onnxruntime/test/shared_lib/|1445 col 6| "accomodate" is a misspelling of "accommodate"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/|4660 col 92| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|71 col 10| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|72 col 4| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|72 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|73 col 4| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|73 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|74 col 4| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/optimizer/runtime_optimization/|74 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/test/mlas/unittest/test_symm_qgemm_fixture.h|10 col 53| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/mlas/unittest/test_fgemm_fixture.h|12 col 53| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/mlas/unittest/test_qgemm_fixture.h|10 col 53| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/mlas/unittest/test_halfgemm.cpp|20 col 53| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/mlas/unittest/test_pool2d_fixture.h|10 col 53| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/mlas/unittest/test_pool3d_fixture.h|10 col 53| "seperately" is a misspelling of "separately"
onnxruntime/test/providers/cuda/test_cases/|17 col 27| "avaliable" is a misspelling of "available"
onnxruntime/test/providers/internal_testing/|86 col 13| "funtion" is a misspelling of "function"
onnxruntime/test/providers/dnnl/transformer/|17 col 67| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
onnxruntime/test/providers/dnnl/transformer/|20 col 63| "durring" is a misspelling of "during"
onnxruntime/test/providers/dnnl/transformer/|676 col 27| "accross" is a misspelling of "across"
onnxruntime/test/providers/cpu/math/|424 col 47| "accuarcy" is a misspelling of "accuracy"
onnxruntime/test/providers/cpu/controlflow/|158 col 64| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
onnxruntime/test/providers/cpu/rnn/|285 col 31| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
onnxruntime/test/providers/cpu/rnn/|334 col 31| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
onnxruntime/test/providers/cpu/nn/|137 col 12| "INSENSETIVE" is a misspelling of "INSENSITIVE"
onnxruntime/test/ir/|92 col 23| "registery" is a misspelling of "registry"
onnxruntime/test/ir/|129 col 73| "targetted" is a misspelling of "targeted"
onnxruntime/test/ir/|467 col 29| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/test/ir/|484 col 22| "funciton" is a misspelling of "function"
onnxruntime/test/ir/|484 col 43| "untill" is a misspelling of "until"
onnxruntime/test/perftest/ReadMe.txt|13 col 89| "direcotry" is a misspelling of "directory"
onnxruntime/test/perftest/|714 col 49| "overriden" is a misspelling of "overridden"
onnxruntime/python/tools/quantization/operators/|16 col 28| "compatiblity" is a misspelling of "compatibility"
onnxruntime/python/tools/quantization/|270 col 44| "trasnform" is a misspelling of "transform"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|492 col 21| "symoblic" is a misspelling of "symbolic"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|20 col 29| "addtion" is a misspelling of "addition"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|6 col 123| "senarios" is a misspelling of "scenarios"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|167 col 12| "approprate" is a misspelling of "appropriate"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|310 col 20| "approprate" is a misspelling of "appropriate"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|361 col 21| "directy" is a misspelling of "directly"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/notebooks/PyTorch_Bert-Squad_OnnxRuntime_GPU.ipynb|1668 col 43| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|32 col 19| "ususally" is a misspelling of "usually"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|51 col 11| "distil" is a misspelling of "distill"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|58 col 15| "distil" is a misspelling of "distill"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|105 col 14| "distil" is a misspelling of "distill"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|558 col 80| "distil" is a misspelling of "distill"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|637 col 80| "distil" is a misspelling of "distill"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|673 col 80| "distil" is a misspelling of "distill"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/models/gpt2/|140 col 10| "Emtpy" is a misspelling of "Empty"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/models/gpt2/|108 col 18| "aboslute" is a misspelling of "absolute"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/models/gpt2/|196 col 11| "scirpt" is a misspelling of "script"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|62 col 14| "mutliple" is a misspelling of "multiple"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/|924 col 42| "avaiable" is a misspelling of "available"
onnxruntime/python/tools/transformers/dev_benchmark.cmd|44 col 16| "mutliple" is a misspelling of "multiple"
onnxruntime/python/|18 col 39| "registed" is a misspelling of "registered"
onnxruntime/python/|45 col 27| "corresponing" is a misspelling of "corresponding"
onnxruntime/python/|411 col 63| "modificaiton" is a misspelling of "modification"
onnxruntime/tool/etw/|22 col 49| "CANCELLED" is a misspelling of "CANCELED"
onnxruntime/tool/etw/|29 col 49| "CANCELLED" is a misspelling of "CANCELED"
onnxruntime/tool/etw/|10 col 42| "attribue" is a misspelling of "attribute"
onnxruntime/tool/etw/|19 col 40| "attribue" is a misspelling of "attribute"
onnxruntime/python/|160 col 34| "destory" is a misspelling of "destroy"
onnxruntime/python/|749 col 33| "Neverthless" is a misspelling of "Nevertheless"
onnxruntime/python/|768 col 31| "Neverthless" is a misspelling of "Nevertheless"
onnxruntime/python/|1158 col 15| "prefered" is a misspelling of "preferred"
onnxruntime/wasm/api.h|6 col 87| "funtion" is a misspelling of "function"
onnxruntime/core/platform/windows/|160 col 24| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/core/platform/windows/|166 col 16| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/core/platform/windows/|168 col 14| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/core/platform/windows/|169 col 14| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/core/platform/windows/|170 col 14| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/core/platform/windows/|211 col 49| "verison" is a misspelling of "version"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|25 col 65| "notificaiton" is a misspelling of "notification"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|27 col 24| "notificaiton" is a misspelling of "notification"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|555 col 39| "contigious" is a misspelling of "contagious"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|53 col 60| "consistant" is a misspelling of "consistent"
onnxruntime/core/framework/sequential_execution_plan.h|109 col 18| "notificaiton" is a misspelling of "notification"
onnxruntime/core/framework/sequential_execution_plan.h|125 col 71| "independetly" is a misspelling of "independently"
onnxruntime/core/framework/sequential_execution_plan.h|163 col 14| "notificaiton" is a misspelling of "notification"
onnxruntime/core/framework/execution_frame.h|168 col 24| "sucessful" is a misspelling of "successful"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|96 col 5| "labelled" is a misspelling of "labeled"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|443 col 7| "REVEIW" is a misspelling of "REVIEW"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|1016 col 10| "funciton" is a misspelling of "function"
onnxruntime/core/framework/|1881 col 66| "direclty" is a misspelling of "directly"
onnxruntime/core/framework/tensorprotoutils.h|113 col 26| "contructing" is a misspelling of "contracting"
onnxruntime/core/framework/tensorprotoutils.h|127 col 26| "contructing" is a misspelling of "contracting"
onnxruntime/core/framework/tensorprotoutils.h|136 col 26| "contructing" is a misspelling of "contracting"
onnxruntime/core/framework/allocation_planner.h|56 col 8| "exection" is a misspelling of "execution"
onnxruntime/core/framework/allocation_planner.h|66 col 61| "exection" is a misspelling of "execution"
onnxruntime/core/framework/allocation_planner.h|72 col 17| "exection" is a misspelling of "execution"
onnxruntime/core/framework/utils.h|50 col 7| "explicitely" is a misspelling of "explicitly"
onnxruntime/core/graph/contrib_ops/|398 col 46| "futher" is a misspelling of "further"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/weight_layout/weight_layout.h|16 col 31| "trasnformer" is a misspelling of "transformer"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/weight_layout/weight_layout.h|47 col 19| "Marshalling" is a misspelling of "Marshaling"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/op_ir_creator/nn/|12 col 58| "dimention" is a misspelling of "dimension"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/scheduler/schedule_utils.h|37 col 25| "safty" is a misspelling of "safety"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/scheduler/schedule_utils.h|46 col 25| "safty" is a misspelling of "safety"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/scheduler/|77 col 25| "safty" is a misspelling of "safety"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/scheduler/|127 col 25| "safty" is a misspelling of "safety"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/passes/scheduler/|42 col 19| "Creater" is a misspelling of "Creature"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/common/|162 col 21| "considerd" is a misspelling of "considered"
onnxruntime/core/codegen/mti/common.h|11 col 33| "satsified" is a misspelling of "satisfied"
onnxruntime/core/common/logging/|53 col 7| "SUPRESS" is a misspelling of "SUPPRESS"
onnxruntime/core/common/|73 col 7| "SUPRESS" is a misspelling of "SUPPRESS"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|287 col 71| "optimised" is a misspelling of "optimized"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|206 col 6| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|265 col 31| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|265 col 49| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|266 col 30| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|266 col 48| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|267 col 37| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|267 col 55| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/attention_fusion_helper.h|1120 col 110| "correspondig" is a misspelling of "corresponding"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/transpose_optimization/onnx_transpose_optimization.h|63 col 42| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/transpose_optimization/onnx_transpose_optimization.h|70 col 50| "cancelled" is a misspelling of "canceled"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/transpose_optimization/|1699 col 20| "cancelling" is a misspelling of "canceling"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/gemm_sum_fusion.h|15 col 55| "immedietly" is a misspelling of "immediately"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|17 col 6| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|38 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|38 col 23| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|39 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|39 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|81 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|81 col 23| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|12 col 6| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|16 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|16 col 23| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|17 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|17 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|30 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|30 col 24| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|31 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|31 col 24| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|32 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|32 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|46 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|46 col 32| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|47 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|47 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|60 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|60 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|61 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|61 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|62 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|62 col 28| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|63 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|63 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|76 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|76 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|77 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|77 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|78 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|78 col 27| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|79 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|79 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|91 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|91 col 23| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|92 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|92 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|100 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|100 col 24| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|101 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|101 col 24| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|102 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|102 col 27| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|265 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|265 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|266 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|266 col 25| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|267 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|267 col 28| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|268 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|268 col 27| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|269 col 2| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/qdq_transformer/selectors_actions/|269 col 22| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|173 col 6| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|237 col 10| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|237 col 33| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|238 col 10| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|238 col 39| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|266 col 31| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|266 col 49| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|267 col 30| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|267 col 48| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|268 col 31| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/optimizer/|268 col 49| "NTO" is a misspelling of "NOT"
onnxruntime/core/session/|32 col 49| "behaviour" is a misspelling of "behavior"
onnxruntime/core/session/inference_session.h|377 col 47| "executin" is a misspelling of "execution"
onnxruntime/core/session/|2581 col 48| "overriden" is a misspelling of "overridden"
onnxruntime/core/mlas/lib/convolve.cpp|64 col 53| "underyling" is a misspelling of "underlying"
onnxruntime/core/mlas/lib/convolve.cpp|270 col 53| "underyling" is a misspelling of "underlying"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/|63 col 50| "appropiate" is a misspelling of "appropriate"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/tensor/|148 col 37| "luanching" is a misspelling of "launching"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/tensor/|264 col 37| "luanching" is a misspelling of "launching"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/tensor/|267 col 20| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/tensor/|272 col 18| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/tensor/|275 col 34| "occured" is a misspelling of "occurred"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/reduction/|118 col 58| "comparsion" is a misspelling of "comparison"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/math/softmax_blockwise_impl.cuh|33 col 75| "utilisation" is a misspelling of "utilization"
onnxruntime/core/providers/cuda/object_detection/|119 col 35| "compatiblity" is a misspelling of "compatibility"
... (Too many findings. Dropped some findings)