What's Changed
Add DxeCore AdvancedLogger GoogleTest @VivianNK (#569)
Change Details
## Description
Add GoogleTest for AdvancedLogger DxeCore Lib
Add mock for AdvancedLoggerHdwPortLib
- Impacts functionality?
- Impacts security?
- Breaking change?
- Includes tests?
- Includes documentation?
How This Was Tested
Integration Instructions
AdvLoggerPkg: Add GoogleTest for AdvancedLoggerPeiLib @VivianNK (#555)
Change Details
## Description Add GoogleTest for AdvancedLoggerPeiLib. Add a mock for the AdvancedLoggerPpi to be used in the GoogleTest.
- Impacts functionality?
- Impacts security?
- Breaking change?
- Includes tests?
- Includes documentation?
How This Was Tested
Local CI. Building the test locally.
Integration Instructions
Add MockDeviceBootManagerLib @YiTa-AMI (#572)
Change Details
## Description
Create Mock for DeviceBootManagerLibNull
For details on how to complete to complete these options and their meaning refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.
- Impacts functionality?
- Impacts security?
- Breaking change?
- Includes tests?
- Includes documentation?
How This Was Tested
Unit tests component can call these mock functions success
Integration Instructions
⚠️ Breaking Changes
[CHERRY-PICK][REBASE \& FF] Adding PcdAdvancedLogger Changes to 202405 @Raymond-MS (#566)
Change Details
## Description
Cherry picking commits from 202311 to 202405 related to the PcdAdvancedLogger.
For details on how to complete to complete these options and their meaning refer to CONTRIBUTING.md.
- Impacts functionality?
- Impacts security?
- Breaking change?
- Includes tests?
- Includes documentation?
How This Was Tested
Built and tested in 202311 branch
Integration Instructions
Users of PcdAdvancedLoggerPeiInRam will need to remove that PCD from
DSCs. It is not expected there are users as the PCD does not work,
although platforms may have specifically set it to FALSE.
🐛 Bug Fixes
AdvLoggerPkg: Exit from write call if signature mismatch @VivianNK (#565)
Change Details
## Description
Current behavior allows the PPI to be used if there is a signature or version mismatch. This fix returns from the function to exit gracefully and prevent memory corruption.
Create a bug to track this behavior elsewhere in Advanced Logger Library: #567
- Impacts functionality?
- Impacts security?
- Breaking change?
- Includes tests?
- Includes documentation?
How This Was Tested
Local CI and unit test.
Integration Instructions
📖 Documentation Updates
[CHERRY-PICK][REBASE \& FF] Adding PcdAdvancedLogger Changes to 202405 @Raymond-MS (#566)
Change Details
## Description
Cherry picking commits from 202311 to 202405 related to the PcdAdvancedLogger.
- Impacts functionality?
- Impacts security?
- Breaking change?
- Includes tests?
- Includes documentation?
How This Was Tested
Built and tested in 202311 branch
Integration Instructions
Full Changelog: v2024050000.0.0...v2024050001.0.0