micro-ROS Humble
Some of the most important micro-ROS features that are available with micro-ROS Humble release are:
- Micro XRCE-DDS v2.1.1
- new RCLC QoS API
- new RCLC Actions API
- RCLC Parameter Server mayor refactor
- new RMW micro-ROS timeout API
- new embeddedRTPS experimental RMW
- new CAN/FD transport
- new Hard liveliness check
- new support for Renesas RA family
- new support for Microsoft Azure RTOS
- new support for Platform.IO
- new support for TI Tiva™ C Series
- new support for ST STMCube
- upgrade Espressif ESP-IDF support
- upgrade micro-ROS for Arduino library
- huge amount of performance improvements that makes micro-ROS less (static and dynamic) memory-hungry, more multithread capable, much more reliable, and (even) more real-time ready
- huge amount of bug fixing that makes micro-ROS a ready-to-use solution for embedded ROS 2
Release track here