Commits from v2.2.1 to v2.3.0
Andrew Mickelson (47 commits)
Bump to version 2.3
Added --loglevel and --logfile commandline options
[Windows] Switched Attract-Mode to a Windows GUI app
Issue #381 - fixed crash when using Shader.Empty
Joystick mapping must now be done manually from Config->Controls->Joystick Mappings
Fix handling of conflicting input mappings in configuration mode
[rpi] Removed assumption that rasberry pi always uses GLES
Initial addition of Direct X Video Acceleration (Windows) and VAAPI (Linux) support
Issue #372 - Added plugin to change display on joystick input
[Attrac-Man] Fixed ghost and player UI movement around the "Ghost House"
Update look of Attrac-Man layout
Updated config so that Joystick slots can be mapped to specific named devices
added "Insert Game" command
Added UI functionality to edit shortcuts
Only use CRC matching on rom 10 megs or less when scraping
Initial support for shortcut navigation and multiple level menus
Tweak to 7a7afa5 to fix last launch saving
Added some missing bound checks when loading state
[linux] Issue #343 - don't leave zombies when exit hotkey is used
Disable further FE navigation when launch game sound is playing
Issue #333 - don't replay launch sound if in the process of launching a game
Added nomargin Text attribute to layout documentation
Issue #329 - smarter redrawing of surfaces
Fixed multimonitor bug (Fix provided by Mike Balfour)
Update Attrac-Man layout to use artwork fades
Enable animated gifs
[windows] Fix "Fill Screen Mode" on Win10
[linux] Issue #318 - fix compile on Linux with older SFML versions
[linux] reduced delay when launching emulator in "Fullscreen Mode"
[windows] Issue #296 - fix for white screen flicker on game launch and exit
Fix extensions in default dolphin configuration
[windows] Added NvOptimusEnablement and AmdPowerXpressRequestHighPerformance exports
The "edit game" action will now edit the display settings when used on the displays menu
Removed unnecessary video frame queuing, simplifying code
Added support for CUVID and QSV hardware accelerated video decoding
Issue #304 - hyperspin overlayoffset fix (patch from joyrider3774)
Changed sleep timer for smoother animation
Added scraping of mame artwork from
Fixed "scrape" and "scrape overview" option loading/saving
Issue #297 - fix hidden displays causing wrong selection in "displays menu"
Use for mamedb scraping
Updated Italian translation (P. Ghezzo)
Added screensaver options to run commands when starting or stopping "blank screen" mode
Fixed key handling to return from screensaver. Fix build with NO_SWF=1 option
Added blank screen (low power mode) setting to default screensaver.
Added config option for confirmation prompt on exit
Benjamin Hodgetts (1 commits)
Save location in the playlist when launching a game
CosmicDan (3 commits)
"Hide Console" option should only be for Windows (whoops)
Add $PROGDIR variable/expansion for substituting program directory in path leadings
Add 'Hide Console' option to General settings
Dat1AZNBanana (1 commits)
Added more file types for Dolphin roms
djrobx (1 commits)
Fix bug where wheel doesn't scroll down or right if you move the trackball slowly . (#322 )
Ferdinand Thiessen (3 commits)
Extlibs: Fixed nonvoid function without return value in gameswf. (#321 )
[linux] Added appdata file (#319 )
Makefile: Fix install target for mac and some linux distros
Minjae Song (3 commits)
Radek Dutkiewicz (4 commits)
Fixed bluring of small fonts in X axis when textbox has a fractional width
Fixed 1 pixel offset
tp.cpp whitespace cleanup
fe.Textbox improvements
willems davy (2 commits)
Try to correct positions for some themes with certain swf artwork
Fix zorder + implement zorder related below tag
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