Go to this link and click the Authorize button.
This code is a refactored application from this repository
This frontend application works together with this rails application
This is a blog website and blog content management application. You can create, edit, and delete posts. In the administration panel, you can generate tokens needed to register new authors. The application allows you to manage your profile.
- The CMS blog was written in Typescript. I used Webpack and split the code into modules.
- Authentication and authorization have been implemented based on the OAuth 2.0 protocol using the Authorization Code Grant flow.
- An access token is stored in a variable and when refreshing the page or when the access token expires, refresh token allows an application to obtain a new access token.
- For communication between authentication objects, I used the mediator pattern.
- I used Jest for testing the application.
- I used the WYSIWYG Quill editor and Delta format for API communication.
- The drop-down menu is written in Web Component technology.
- In a project, I wanted to learn asynchronous JavaScript and write reusable components.
- Typescript
- Webpack
- Quill editor
- OAuth 2.0
- Jest
- Web Components
- ESLint
To run this project, install it locally using npm:
$ npm install
$ npm start
Go to this link and click the Authorize button.
To test app login using [email protected] email and password: adminadmin.
If you want to create a new author, you need to log in as administrator (as above) and generate a registration token. Then click on this link and fill out the form.
To see the blog as a visitor just go to blog website