Human Viewable (color composite) Image creation.
Creates a composite colour image from sets of input FITS files, following the Magain, Courbin & Sohy (1998) deconvolution algorithm and the Lupton et al (2004) composition algorithm (with extensions by Hogg & Wherry.)
Phil Marshall (Oxford) [email protected] Cato Sandford (NYU) Anupreeta More (IPMU)
October, 2012
There are two top level scripts. takes in some number of FITS files (or a directory containing FITS files) and deconvolves each image to a Gaussian PSF. takes in 3 FITS files as input, and returns a color composite, color-saturated png image with an arcsinh stretch.
I have an image in three bandpasses, called i.fits, r.fits and g.fits, in the current directory. I wish to deconvolve each such that the PSF is a circularly-symmetrical Gaussian with \sigma=2 pixels.
python -p 2 i.fits r.fits g.fits
Now I wish to combine the three new images.
python gDeconvolved_i.fits gDeconvolved_r.fits gDeconvolved_g.fits
View the result:
display output.png
The composition script requires:
- the Python Image Library (PIL) available from
The dconvolution script requires:
Both require:
- numpy