This package presents a keychain abstraction. A keychain is a per-user SQLite database encrypted with the user's password, and containing name/key pairs where the name represents a resource and the key is the password or encryption key for that resource.
Create a keychain for user "michael" with password "12345", then add password "asdfg" for resource "test". Will throw an exception if the keychain already exists:
var kc = require("keychain-promise")()
return kc.Add(db,"test","asdfg")
}).then(ok => console.log(ok))
Retrieve the password and display for resource "test" for user "michael". The returned key is contained in an object "row" with a key named "key":
var kc = require("keychain-promise")()
return kc.Lookup(db,"test")
Remove the password for resource "test" for user "michael":
var kc = require("keychain-promise")()
var db
db = d
return kc.Remove(db,"test").then(ok=>console.log(ok))
var kc = require("keychain-promise")(options)
If options is present, it is expected to be an object. The following keys are recognized:
: string path to the directory containing all keychains
=> Promise->db
Given a user name and password, create a Promise resolving to an open SQLite database handle for the user's keychain. Throws an exception if the keychain already exists.
=> Promise->db
Given a user name and password, return a promise resolving to an open SQLite database handle for the user's already existing keychain.
=> Promise->key
Given an open SQLite database handle for the user's keychain, return the key for the specified name.
=> Promise->bool
Given an open SQLite database handle for the user's keychain, a name, and the group that name belongs to, stores that name/group pair in the keychain. If the group does not already exists, it is created with a random key. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean value indicating success or failure.
=> Promise->bool
Given an open SQLite database handle for the user's keychain, and a name, remove the name/key pair from the keychain. Returns a promise which resolves to a boolean value indicating success or failure.