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Releases: michael-rapp/AndroidPreferenceActivity

Version 7.0.3

13 May 20:42
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A minor release, which introduces the following changes:

  • Added the theme attribute categoryPreferenceStyle.
  • Added the theme attributes preferenceActivityToolbarStyle and preferenceActivityInvertedToolbarStyle.

Version 7.0.2

23 Feb 19:30
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A minor release, which introduces the following changes:

  • Updated dependency "AndroidUtil" to version 2.0.1.

Version 7.0.1

19 Nov 21:13
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A bugfix release, which fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed the argument PreferenceActivity.EXTRA_NO_BREAD_CRUMBS being ignored after orientation changes.

Version 7.0.0

30 Oct 23:15
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A major release, which introduces the following changes:

  • Migrated library to Android X.
  • Replaced AppCompat themes with MaterialComponent themes.
  • Updated dependency "AndroidUtil" to version 2.0.0.
  • Updated targetSdkVersion to 28.

Version 6.0.3

27 Aug 21:49
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A minor release, which introduces the following changes:

  • Slightly increased the minimum height of preferences to ensure that preferences that contain no summary have the same height as preferences that contain one line of text as their summaries.

Version 6.0.2

25 Jun 12:40
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A bugfix release, which fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue, which caused the bread crumb title to be wrong after orientation changes.

Version 6.0.1

27 May 19:37
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A bugfix release, which fixes the following issues:

  • No dividers are drawn above a PreferenceCategory anymore, if it is the first preference.
  • Fixed an issue, which prevented NavigationPreferences from being clickable when a custom OnPreferenceClickListener is set.

Version 6.0.0

27 May 01:17
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A major release, which provides the following changes:

  • Migrated the library to use the v14 Preference support library and v7 Fragment support library as the Android SDK's preference and fragment classes will be deprecated in Android P.
  • Updated the AppCompat v7 support library to version 27.1.1.
  • Updated CardView v7 support library to version 27.1.1.
  • Updated the dependency "AndroidUtil" to version 1.20.3.

Version 5.1.1

09 Feb 00:58
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A minor release, which introduces the following changes:

  • Removed final modifier from setIcon-method of the class NavigationPreference.

Version 5.1.0

08 Feb 23:40
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A feature release, which introduces the following changes:

  • Vector drawables can now be used as the icon of a NavigationPreference even on pre-Lollipop devices.
  • The icon of a NavigationPreference can now be tinted (also even on pre-Lollipop devices).
  • Updated dependency "AndroidUtil" to version 1.20.1.