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LSD (LSDeluxe)

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This project is a rewrite of GNU ls with lots of added features like colors, icons, tree-view, more formatting options etc. The project is heavily inspired by the super colorls project.


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Install the patched fonts of powerline nerd-font and/or font-awesome. Have a look at the Nerd Font README for more installation instructions. Don't forget to setup your terminal in order to use the correct font.

OS/Distro Command
Archlinux pacman -S lsd
Fedora dnf install lsd
Gentoo sudo emerge sys-apps/lsd
macOS brew install lsd or sudo port install lsd
NixOS nix-env -iA nixos.lsd
FreeBSD pkg install lsd
NetBSD or any pkgsrc platform pkgin install lsd or cd /usr/pkgsrc/sysutils/lsd && make install
Windows scoop install lsd
Android (via Termux) pkg install lsd
Debian sid and bookworm apt install lsd
Ubuntu 23.04 (Lunar Lobster) apt install lsd
Earlier Ubuntu/Debian versions snap discontinued, use sudo dpkg -i lsd_0.23.1_amd64.deb and get .deb file from release page
Solus eopkg it lsd
Void Linux sudo xbps-install lsd
openSUSE sudo zypper install lsd

From source

With Rust's package manager cargo, you can install lsd via:

cargo install lsd

If you want to install the latest master branch commit:

cargo install --git --branch master

From Binaries

The release page includes precompiled binaries for Linux, macOS and Windows for every release. You can also get the latest binary of master branch from the GitHub action build artifacts (choose the top action and scroll down to the artifacts section).


lsd can be configured with a configuration file to set the default options. Check Config file content for details.

Config file location


On non-Windows systems lsd follows the XDG Base Directory Specification convention for the location of the configuration file. The configuration dir lsd uses is itself named lsd. In that directory it looks first for a file called config.yaml. For most people it should be enough to put their config file at ~/.config/lsd/config.yaml.


On Windows systems lsd only looks for the config.yaml files in one location: %APPDATA%\lsd\


You can also provide a configuration file from a non standard location: lsd --config-file [PATH]

Config file content

This is an example config file with the default values and some additional remarks.
# == Classic ==
# This is a shorthand to override some of the options to be backwards compatible
# with `ls`. It affects the "color"->"when", "sorting"->"dir-grouping", "date"
# and "icons"->"when" options.
# Possible values: false, true
classic: false

# == Blocks ==
# This specifies the columns and their order when using the long and the tree
# layout.
# Possible values: permission, user, group, context, size, date, name, inode, links, git
  - permission
  - user
  - group
  - size
  - date
  - name

# == Color ==
# This has various color options. (Will be expanded in the future.)
  # When to colorize the output.
  # When "classic" is set, this is set to "never".
  # Possible values: never, auto, always
  when: auto
  # How to colorize the output.
  # When "classic" is set, this is set to "no-color".
  # Possible values: default, custom
  # When "custom" is set, lsd will look in the config directory for `colors.yaml`.
  theme: default

# == Date ==
# This specifies the date format for the date column. The freeform format
# accepts a strftime like string.
# When "classic" is set, this is set to "date".
# Possible values: date, relative, '+<date_format>'
# `date_format` will be a `strftime` formatted value. e.g. `date: '+%d %b %y %X'` will give you a date like this: 17 Jun 21 20:14:55
date: date

# == Dereference ==
# Whether to dereference symbolic links.
# Possible values: false, true
dereference: false

# == Display ==
# What items to display. Do not specify this for the default behavior.
# Possible values: all, almost-all, directory-only
# display: all

# == Icons ==
  # When to use icons.
  # When "classic" is set, this is set to "never".
  # Possible values: always, auto, never
  when: auto
  # Which icon theme to use.
  # Possible values: fancy, unicode
  theme: fancy
  # Separator between icon and the name
  # Default to 1 space
  separator: " "

# == Ignore Globs ==
# A list of globs to ignore when listing.
# ignore-globs:
#   - .git

# == Indicators ==
# Whether to add indicator characters to certain listed files.
# Possible values: false, true
indicators: false

# == Layout ==
# Which layout to use. "oneline" might be a bit confusing here and should be
# called "one-per-line". It might be changed in the future.
# Possible values: grid, tree, oneline
layout: grid

# == Recursion ==
  # Whether to enable recursion.
  # Possible values: false, true
  enabled: false
  # How deep the recursion should go. This has to be a positive integer. Leave
  # it unspecified for (virtually) infinite.
  # depth: 3

# == Size ==
# Specifies the format of the size column.
# Possible values: default, short, bytes
size: default

# == Permission ==
# Specify the format of the permission column
# Possible value: rwx, octal
permission: rwx

# == Sorting ==
  # Specify what to sort by.
  # Possible values: extension, name, time, size, version
  column: name
  # Whether to reverse the sorting.
  # Possible values: false, true
  reverse: false
  # Whether to group directories together and where.
  # When "classic" is set, this is set to "none".
  # Possible values: first, last, none
  dir-grouping: none

# == No Symlink ==
# Whether to omit showing symlink targets
# Possible values: false, true
no-symlink: false

# == Total size ==
# Whether to display the total size of directories.
# Possible values: false, true
total-size: false

# == Hyperlink ==
# Attach hyperlink to filenames
# Possible values: always, auto, never
hyperlink: never

# == Symlink arrow ==
# Specifies how the symlink arrow display, chars in both ascii and utf8

# == Header ==
# Whether to display block headers.
# Possible values: false, true
header: false


lsd can be configured with theme files to set the colors or icons.

Color Theme

Color theme can be configured in the configuration file(color.theme), The valid theme configurations are:

  • default: the default color scheme shipped in lsd
  • custom: use a custom color scheme defined in colors.yaml
  • (deprecated) theme_file_name(yaml): use the theme file to specify colors(without the yaml extension)

When set to custom, lsd will look for colors.yaml in the XDG Base Directory, e.g. ~/.config/lsd/colors.yaml

When configured with the theme-file-name which is a yaml file, lsd will look up the theme file in the following way:

  • relative name: check the XDG Base Directory, e.g. ~/.config/lsd/themes/.yaml
  • absolute name: use the file path and name to find theme file

Check Color Theme file content for details.

Color Theme file content

Theme file use the crossterm to configure the colors, check crossterm for supported colors.

Color table:

Please notice that color values would ignore the case, both lowercase and UPPERCASE is supported.

This is the default theme scheme shipped with lsd.

user: 230
group: 187
  read: dark_green
  write: dark_yellow
  exec: dark_red
  exec-sticky: 5
  no-access: 245
  octal: 6
  acl: dark_cyan
  context: cyan
  hour-old: 40
  day-old: 42
  older: 36
  none: 245
  small: 229
  medium: 216
  large: 172
  valid: 13
  invalid: 245
  valid: 13
  invalid: 245
tree-edge: 245
  default: 245
  unmodified: 245
  ignored: 245
  new-in-index: dark_green
  new-in-workdir: dark_green
  typechange: dark_yellow
  deleted: dark_red
  renamed: dark_green
  modified: dark_yellow
  conflicted: dark_red

When creating a theme for lsd, you can specify any part of the default theme, and then change its colors, the items missed would fallback to use the default colors.

Please also notice that an empty theme is NOT supported due to a bug in serde lib.

Icon Theme

NOTE: This feature is not available in a release yet. You can get this feature by building from master.

Icon theme can be configured in a fixed location, $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/lsd/icons.yaml, for example, ~/.config/lsd/icons.yaml on macOS, please check Config file location to make sure where is $XDG_CONFIG_DIR.

As the file name indicated, the icon theme file is a yaml file.

Check Icon Theme file content for details.

Icon Theme file content

lsd support 3 kinds of icon overrides, by name, by filetype and by extension. The final set of icons used will be a combination of what is shipped with in lsd with overrides from config applied on top of it. You can find the default set of icons here.

Both nerd font glyphs and unicode emojis can be used for icons. You can find an example of icons customization below.

  rs: 🦀
  dir: 📂
  file: 📄
  pipe: 📩
  socket: 󰆨
  device-block: 󰜫

External Configurations


Enable nerd fonts for your terminal, URxvt for example in .Xresources:

URxvt*font:    xft:Hack Nerd Font:style=Regular:size=11


In order to use lsd when entering the ls command, you need to add this to your shell configuration file (~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, etc.):

alias ls='lsd'

Some further examples of useful aliases:

alias l='ls -l'
alias la='ls -a'
alias lla='ls -la'
alias lt='ls --tree'


Icons not showing up

For lsd to be able to display icons, the font has to include special font glyphs. This might not be the case for most fonts that you download. Thankfully, you can patch most fonts using NerdFont and add these icons. Or you can just download an already patched version of your favourite font from NerdFont font download page. Here is a guide on how to setup fonts on macOS and Android.

To check if the font you are using is setup correctly, try running the following snippet in a shell and see if that prints a folder icon. If it prints a box, or question mark or something else, then you might have some issues in how you setup the font or how your terminal emulator renders the font.

echo $'\uf115'

Icons missing or not rendering correctly using PuTTY/KiTTY on Windows

First of all, make sure a patched font is installed and PuTTY/KiTTY is configurated to use it, please check Prerequisites.

There are problems for PuTTY/KiTTY to show 2 char wide icons, make sure using a 1 char wide font like Hack Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono Windows Compatible, check this issue for detail.


You can customize filetype colors using LS_COLORS and other colors using the theme.

The default colors are:

User/Group Permission File Type (changes based on your terminal colorscheme) Date File Size
#ffffd7 User #00d700 Read #0087ff Directory #00d700 within the last hour #ffffaf Small File
#d7d7af Group #d7ff87 Write #00d700 Executable File #00d787 within the last day #ffaf87 Medium File
#af0000 Execute #ffffff Non-Executable File #00af87 older #d78700 Large File
#ff00ff Execute with Stickybit #af0000 Broken Symlink #ffffff Non File
#d75f87 No Access #00d7d7 Pipe/Symlink/Blockdevice/Socket/Special
#d78700 CharDevice

Checkout trapd00r/LS_COLORS and sharkdp/vivid for help in themeing using LS_COLORS.

First char of folder/file getting trimmed

Workaround for Konsole: ㅤEdit the config file (or create it if it doesn't already exist) and paste the following into it (contains invisible unicode characters):

    separator: ""

This is a known issue in a few terminal emulator. Try using a different terminal emulator like. Alacritty and Kitty are really good alternatives. You might also want to check if your font is responsible for causing this. To verify this, try running lsd with icons disabled and if it still does not have the first character, then this is an lsd bug:

lsd --icon never --ignore-config

UTF-8 Chars

lsd will try to display the UTF-8 chars in file name, A U+FFFD REPLACEMENT CHARACTER(�) is used to represent the invalid UTF-8 chars.

Icons are showing up strangely

Nerd Fonts is moving the codepoints of the Material Design Icons in 3.0, so lsd has updated the icons in #830. If your icons look weird, use fonts that have been patched using Nerd Fonts v2.3.0 or later.

See also:


Everyone can contribute to this project, improving the code or adding functions. If anyone wants something to be added we will try to do it.

As this is being updated regularly, don't forget to rebase your fork before creating a pull-request.


Special thanks to:


The next gen ls command







No releases published


No packages published


  • Rust 99.0%
  • Shell 1.0%