Home Asisstant containerized with docker-compose
This project aims for easy setup and maintainability.
As Home Asisstant (HA) offers a lot of possibilities out of the box this project focuses on adding functionality that expands connectivity or adds value by useful functionality. MQTT and ZigBee allows to connect to a lot of devices.
Personal data and secrets for docker-compose are stored in a .env file. Secrets for mosquitto will be generated by the user and then stored in the mosquitto/ folder.
Mosquitto will use UID 1883 as default. You can add a corresponding user to your system and add your user to the group.
$ sudo groupadd --gid 1883 mosquitto
$ sudo useradd --no-create-home -g mosquitto --uid 1883 mosquitto
$ sudo usermod -aG mosquitto USERNAME
- The mosquitto setup is inspired by vvatelot mosquitto-docker-compose
- mosquitto is used as MQTT broker.
- Config, logs and persistent data is stored in a separate mosquitto/ folder.
- This setup uses usename and password for authentication.
Optionally you could add more security by adding TLS: Mosquitto TLS
- To allow the mosquitto container access to its files I recommend to give the used user and group access:
$ sudo chown -R 1883:1883 mosquitto/
- To set up the login run:
$ docker-compose up -d mosquitto
- And substitute "<USERNAME>" "<PASSWORD>" to generate an according entry in mosquitto/config/password.txt
$ docker-compose exec mosquitto mosquitto_passwd \
-b /mosquitto/config/password.txt <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>
$ docker-compose restart
- The same command can be used to update a password.
"mosquitto_passwd -b" option should be used with care because the password will be visible on the command line and in command history. Find more details here: mosquitto_passwd manpage
- To test the command install a mosquitto client:
$ sudo pacman -S mosquitto
$ sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
- And run the following command in one terminal (nothing will happen as it only starts listening):
$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "hello/world"
- Then run in another terminal:
$ mosquitto_pub -h localhost -u <USERNAME> -P <PASSWORD> -t hello/world -m "Hi"
This example uses mosquitto but any other MQTT client should work.
- mosquitto.conf
password_file /mosquitto/config/password.txt
allow_anonymous false
user mosquitto
listener 1883
persistence true
persistence_location /mosquitto/data/
log_dest file /mosquitto/log/mosquitto.log
log_dest stdout
Allows you to use your Zigbee devices without the vendors bridge/gateway. It act as a "driver" for a Zigbee Adapter. List of supported devices
- At first you need to have a supported Zigbee Adapter:
- https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/guide/supported-hardware.html
- I started with a CC2531 and upgraded to SONOFF Zigbee 3.0 USB Dongle Plus
- Then you find the location of the device:
- The setting for zigbee2mqtt can be set in the docker-compose.yaml as env vars
- A basic config is in the zigbee2mqtt folder
- The documentation provides a lot of further possibilities docu
- To improve security it is highly recommended to use a custom network key. Because the default key is well known. set custom network key:
A change of zigbee2mqtt config file or docker-compose env variables does not get applied:
- After the config of zigbee2mqtt changed do docker compose down (not just restart)
I changed the network_key but get an error of an already existing pan_id! This is annoying but you have 2 options:
- Try to reduce! the range of your zigbee device (remove antenna) and try again
- Change the pan_id in the config
To use the full potential of HA you can start on the following link and study the given examples: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/configuration/
If you have set up your first devices you may want to do something smart: https://community.home-assistant.io/tags/c/blueprints-exchange/53/zigbee2mqtt