- Start a Node.js project;
- Add Express to the project;
- Routes;
- HTTP methods;
- Route Params;
- Query Params;
- Installation and use of nodemon;
- Use of Insomnia;
- Body Params;
- Controller;
- HTTP Status Codes;
- Middleware;
- Dealing with errors in the API;
- How to connect a SQLite database;
- Use of the Beekeeper Studio tool;
- DML commands;
- DDL commands;
- Migrations;
- Make queries in SQL;
- Encrypt passwords in the database;
- Back-end validations;
- SQL Query Builder;
- Install Knex/js;
- Configure Knex.js;
- NPM vs NPX;
- Primary Key;
- Foreign Key;
- Cardinality;
- Inner Join;
- Map and Filter;