This is a Dockerized application for managing secrets using two different storage methods: HashiCorp Vault and an in-memory store. The application provides a simple interface to write and read secrets, ensuring secure and efficient secret management.
- Two Running Methods:
- Running on a local machine.
- Running with Docker.
Comment or uncomment based on your running method:
store, err = NewVaultSecretStore("http://vault:8200", "dev-only-token") // For a Docker container
// store, err = NewVaultSecretStore("", "dev-only-token") // For localhost
- Two Storage Methods:
- HashiCorp Vault: Securely store and manage secrets using HashiCorp Vault.
- In-Memory Store: Store secrets in memory for quick and easy access during development or testing.
- 🔒Encryption: Encrypts secret values before storing them.
- 🔄 Flexible Interface: Easily switch between storage methods through a menu interface.
- 🐳Dockerized: Easily deploy the application using Docker.
- Docker
- Go (for local development)
- HashiCorp Vault (for Vault storage method)
git clone
cd dockerized-vault-app
docker-compose up --build
docker exec -it my-vault-app sh
Select the storage method:
1. HashiCorp Vault
2. In-Memory Store
3. Exit
Enter a number: 1
1. Write a secret
2. Read a secret
3. Back
Enter your choice: 1
Enter secret: names
Enter key: name
Enter value: masih
Secret written successfully.