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OpenCV C++ Stereo Tracking System

Tracking of a needle (Opthalmic Surgery) using 3 balls marker


  • OpenCV
  • popt


mkdir build && cd build cmake .. make all

Get images from webcams

This is a small helper tool to grab frames from two webcams operating as a stereo pair. Run the following command to use it.

./read -w [img_width] -h [img_height] -d [imgs_directory] -e [file_extension]

Images are saved with prefixes left and right in the desired directory.

Intrinsic calibration of a single camera

./calibrate -w [board_width] -h [board_height] -n [num_imgs] -s [square_size](in cm) -d [imgs_directory] -i [imgs_filename] -o [file_extension] -e [output_filename]

./calibrate -w 9 -h 6 -n 27 -s 0.0333 -d "../calib_imgs/1/" -i "left" -o "cam_left.yml" -e "jpg"

Stereo calibration for extrinisics

Once you have the intrinsics calibrated for both the left and the right cameras, you can use their intrinsics to calibrate the extrinsics between them.

./calibrate_stereo -n [num_imgs] -u [left_cam_calib] -v [right_cam_calib] -L [left_img_dir] -R [right_img_dir] -l [left_img_prefix] -r [right_img_prefix] -o [output_calib_file]

./calibrate_stereo -n 27 -u cam_left.yml -v cam_right.yml -L ../calib_imgs/1/ -R ../calib_imgs/1/ -l left -r right -o cam_stereo.yml

Undistortion and Rectification

Once you have the stereo calibration data, you can remove the distortion and rectify any pair of images so that the resultant epipolar lines become scan lines.

./undistort_rectify -l [left_img_path] -r [right_img_path] -c [stereo_calib_file] -L [output_left_img] -R [output_right_img]

./undistort_rectify -l ../calib_imgs/1/left1.jpg -r ../calib_imgs/1/right1.jpg -c cam_stereo.yml -L left.jpg -R right.jpg

Circle Detection

Detection of balls (using cv::findContours) based on pre-defined min - max radius which can be adjusted from Constants.h We already know the setup of the balls , we can create a triangle out of them-> tracking follows easily since we know the distance between the centers of the balls. There is no tracking algorithm will work here since we have 3 same balls, and they are textureless , edgeless. So we cant extract any features for tracking.

already tracking is done but in case we lost the detection in anyframe we should keep a tracking algorithm which can predict the location of the ball in the next frame. TODO::Tracking alogrithms -> 1-Lukas Kanade 2-Kalman filter