This project includes both a CLI and a web app to explore transit data
A running instance of the project consists of a postgres DB, and a node web server. In order to develop locally, you'll need both of these running on your local machine.
If you don't already have node installed, you can download it directly from
You can either choose to install postgres manually, or use docker to manage it for you. Docker is recommended as we have already specified the necessary configuration in docker-compose.yml. You can download docker destktop directly from
After installing node and docker (or manually installing postgres), you can clone this repository locally, which contains all of the code necessary to run the web app.
git clone
If using docker, you can start the postgres database simply by running docker compose up -d
To install npm dependencies locally, run npm install
Use prisma to intialize your database with the latest schema from the codebase npx prisma migrate dev
. This should automatically seed your local database using the json seed file in this repository - but at any time you can manually refresh data from public transit databases by running npm run sync-data
To run the development server, run npm run dev
. The local development server will be accessible at http://localhost:3000.
To run the CLI, run npm run cli