This package implements Chang and Goplerud (2024)'s generalization of Kernel Regularized Least Squares (gKRLS), also known as kernel ridge regression. This reformulates [g]KRLS as a hierarchical model. Estimation proceeds using mgcv
and associated functions such as gam
, bam
, or gamm4
. Thus, one can use gKRLS
for any outcome implemented in mgcv
as well as including multiple smooth terms, non-penalized covariates, etc. We also provide an implementation of random sketching following Yang et al. (2017).
The package can be installed from CRAN or the most-to-update version can be installed using devtools
# Up-to-Date GitHub Version
remotes::install_github("mgoplerud/gKRLS", dependencies = TRUE)
The syntax is straightforward to users of mgcv
. The following example estimates a Poisson regression with an intercept and a flexible kernel term.
gam(y ~ s(x1, x2, bs = "gKRLS"), data = data, family = poisson())
by default uses subsampling sketching (i.e., building the kernel based on a random sample of observations) where the dimensionality of the sketched kernel is 5 * ceiling(N^(1/3))
. Using xt = gKRLS(...)
can modify the type of sketching. Please see the documentation for details.
Functions are also available to implement gKRLS
in an ensemble using SuperLearner
and in double/debiased machine learning using DoubleML
. It also allows sandwich
to calculate robust or clustered standard errors for standard families when using gam
or bam
; see Chang and Goplerud (2024) for more details.
can compute average marginal effects and predicted values. The examples for calculate_effects
show how to calculate quantities such as predicted probability curves.