MAKE: To make this project, type 'make' into the command line when in the project directory To clean the directory after compilation, type 'make clean' into the command line when in the project directory
RUN: To run this file, type './doenv -h' into the command line when in the project directory to pull up the usage options
PURPOSE: The purpose of this project is to replicate a select number of functions of the env(1) user command
doenv - run a program in a modified environment
strtok(3) and strchr(3) are both powerful & useful functions that significantly improved quality of output
I'm not entirely sure if my way for going about showing the environment is correct, as getenv was not used.
- Rather, a more roundabout way was used where the environ extern was called and printed out line by
Used the code found in the below GitHub repository to begin structuring my own project
Used the writer's for loop found in the showAll() function to iterate through a ** throughout my project
Used the code found in the below GitHub repository to construct a working getopt loop, as I was not familiar with
the getopt() data structure before this
strtok(3) man page
gnu section discussing strtok(3)
strchr(3) man page
env(1) man page